the scri�ts used t� c�ntr�� c�m�i�ati�n and insta��ati�n �f the e�ecutab�e. H�wever,
as a s�ecia� e�ce�ti�n, the s�urce c�de distributed need n�t inc�ude anything that
is n�rma��y distributed (in either s�urce �r binary f�rm) with the maj�r c�m��nents
(c�m�i�er, kerne�, and s� �n) �f the ��erating system �n which the e�ecutab�e runs,
un�ess that c�m��nent itse�f acc�m�anies the e�ecutab�e.
If distributi�n �f e�ecutab�e �r �bject c�de is made by �ffering access t� c��y fr�m a
designated ��ace, then �ffering equiva�ent access t� c��y the s�urce c�de fr�m the
same ��ace c�unts as distributi�n �f the s�urce c�de, even th�ugh third �arties are n�t
c�m�e��ed t� c��y the s�urce a��ng with the �bject c�de.
4. Y�u may n�t c��y, m�dify, sub�icense, �r distribute the Pr�gram e�ce�t as e��ress�y
�r�vided under this License. Any attem�t �therwise t� c��y, m�dify, sub�icense �r
distribute the Pr�gram is v�id, and wi�� aut�matica��y terminate y�ur rights under this
License. H�wever, �arties wh� have received c��ies, �r rights, fr�m y�u under this
License wi�� n�t have their �icenses terminated s� ��ng as such �arties remain in fu��
5. Y�u are n�t required t� acce�t this License, since y�u have n�t signed it. H�wever,
n�thing e�se grants y�u �ermissi�n t� m�dify �r distribute the Pr�gram �r its derivative
w�rks. These возможное решениеs are �r�hibited by �aw if y�u d� n�t acce�t this
License. Theref�re, by m�difying �r distributing the Pr�gram (�r any w�rk based �n the
Pr�gram), y�u indicate y�ur acce�tance �f this License t� d� s�, and a�� its terms and
c�nditi�ns f�r c��ying, distributing �r m�difying the Pr�gram �r w�rks based �n it.
6. Each time y�u redistribute the Pr�gram (�r any w�rk based �n the Pr�gram), the
reci�ient aut�matica��y receives a �icense fr�m the �rigina� �icens�r t� c��y, distribute
�r m�dify the Pr�gram subject t� these terms and c�nditi�ns. Y�u may n�t im��se any
further restricti�ns �n the reci�ients’ e�ercise �f the rights granted herein. Y�u are n�t
res��nsib�e f�r enf�rcing c�m��iance by third �arties t� this License.
7. If, as a c�nsequence �f a c�urt judgment �r a��egati�n �f �atent infringement �r f�r any
�ther reas�n (n�t �imited t� �atent issues), c�nditi�ns are im��sed �n y�u (whether
by c�urt �rder, agreement �r �therwise) that c�ntradict the c�nditi�ns �f this License,
they d� n�t e�cuse y�u fr�m the c�nditi�ns �f this License. If y�u cann�t distribute s�
as t� satisfy simu�tane�us�y y�ur �b�igati�ns under this License and any �ther �ertinent
�b�igati�ns, then as a c�nsequence y�u may n�t distribute the Pr�gram at a��. F�r
e�am��e, if a �atent �icense w�u�d n�t �ermit r�ya�ty-free redistributi�n �f the Pr�gram
by a�� th�se wh� receive c��ies direct�y �r indirect�y thr�ugh y�u, then the �n�y way y�u
c�u�d satisfy b�th it and this License w�u�d be t� refrain entire�y fr�m distributi�n �f the
If any ��rti�n �f this secti�n is he�d inva�id �r unenf�rceab�e under any �articu�ar
circumstance, the ba�ance �f the secti�n is intended t� a���y and the secti�n as a
wh��e is intended t� a���y in �ther circumstances.
RT-_UM_rus.indd 1
1//0 :1: AM
Содержание RT-G32 - Wireless Router
Страница 1: ...RT G32 Wireless Router User Manual ...
Страница 45: ...RT G32 Router sem fios Uživatelská příručka RT G _Czech indd 1 1 7 09 1 19 PM ...
Страница 89: ...RT G32 Draadloze Router Gebruikershandleiding RT G NLD indd 1 1 7 09 18 40 PM ...
Страница 133: ...RT G32 Routeur sans fil Manuel de l utilisateur ...
Страница 177: ...RT G32 Wireless Router Benutzerhandbuch RT G indd 1 1 9 09 17 49 PM ...
Страница 221: ...RT G32 Ασύρματος Δρομολογητής Εγχειρίδιο Χρήστη RT G _greek indd 1 1 7 09 19 4 PM ...
Страница 265: ...RT G32 vezeték nélküli router Felhasználói kézikönyv RT G _Hungarian indd 1 1 7 09 8 PM ...
Страница 309: ...RT G32 Router wireless Manuale Utente ...
Страница 355: ...RT G32 Wireless Router Panduan Pengguna RT G _INDO indd 1 1 7 09 45 PM ...
Страница 399: ...RT G32 Router sem fios Manual do utilizador RT G _Portuguese indd 1 1 7 09 46 55 PM ...
Страница 443: ...RT G32 Router bezprzewodowy Podręcznik użytkownika RT G _polish indd 1 1 7 09 40 1 PM ...
Страница 487: ...RT G32 беспроводный роутер Руководство пользователя RT _UM_rus indd 1 1 0 1 1 AM ...
Страница 531: ...RT G32 Router fără fir Manual de utilizare RT G _Romanian indd 1 1 7 09 48 44 PM ...
Страница 575: ...RT G32 Router inalámbrico Manual de usuario RT G _spanish indd 1 1 7 09 51 9 PM ...
Страница 619: ...RT G32 ไวร เลส เราเตอร คู มือผู ใช RT G32_Thai indd 1 1 7 09 2 53 16 PM ...
Страница 663: ...RT G32 Kablosuz Yönlendirici Kullanım Kılavuzu RT G _Turkish indd 1 1 7 09 56 PM ...
Страница 707: ...RT G32 無線路由器 使 用 手 冊 ...
Страница 715: ... 第一章 認識您的無線路由器 RT G32 底部 1 2 項目 描述 1 安裝掛鉤 用兩顆螺絲將路由器安裝於混凝土或木質表面 2 散熱孔 這些散熱孔用來通風 注意 有關安裝路由器於牆面或天花板的詳細說明 請參考下一頁 ...
Страница 731: ...25 第五章 安裝應用程式 RT G32 3 點選 下一步 以確認應用程式安裝 的預設位置或點選 瀏覽 以選擇另 一位置 5 點選 安裝 開始安裝應用程式 6 安裝完成後點選 完成 離開安裝程 式 4 點選 下一步 ...
Страница 736: ...30 RT G32 第五章 安裝應用程式 3 當設定了 SSID 與頻道並連線成功後 點選 下一步 繼續 連線成功 連線失敗 若連線失敗 請確認硬體裝置連線正確 並按下 搜尋 重新搜尋裝置 ...