Gv J. v. Stolbergln 31 - A3850
2263AB Leidschendam
The Netherlands
Appendix 1. Eco-wifi: reducing electromagnetic emission, also
when wifi is active
Any wifi router transmits two main types of packets:
Beacon packets containing the name of the wifi network.
largest problem is, that in ordinary wifi routers, these are transmitted 10
times per second 24/7, both in standby and during usage. The Eco 100
router reduces the pulsation frequency of this beacon signal to once per
Data packets.
Data packets are only transmitted during usage, for
example when loading a web page, when an app is requesting
information from the Internet, or your device is downloading updates
The beacon packets are transmitted continuously 10x per second, and the
data packets only when data is loaded from the Internet. For example, a
website that you visit using your Internet browser. The beacon pulses thus
account for a large proportion of electrosmog.
The JRS Eco-wifi router emits 90% fewer beacon pulses per second than
regular wifi routers. This is achieved by adjusting the beacon interval. The
higher the beacon interval, the less radiation the router emits measurably.
With an ordinary wifi router, the beacon interval is 100 milliseconds, which
corresponds to 10 pulses every second. The beacon interval at 2.4 GHz for
the Eco-wifi router is 1000 milliseconds: 10 times less pulses per second.
Practice has shown that this is the highest value where nearly all devices, like
laptops, mobile phones, and tablets, still function reliably without hiccups in
the wireless connection.
If some of your devices can’t see the 5GHz network, it may be necessary to
lower the beacon interval for 5GHz. This should not be necessary for the
2.4GHz network. See also 9.1.
Copyright 2020 JRS Eco Wireless – ECO-100 V5