Chapter 1
Quick Installation
Quick Ins tallation
Before Installation
For installation, you m ay need som e or all of the following tools:
Medium size flat blade screwdriver
Medium size P hillips head screwdriver
A 3/16 inch nut driver or wrench
Users must follow these guidelines to ensure the
motherboard is protected during installation.
1.Make sure your computer is powered-off whenever
working in with inside components
2.The motherboard, like all other electronic equipment,
is sensitive to static. Please take the proper precautions
when handling it. If possible, ground yourself by touching a
metal table or desk. keep the board in its conductive
wrapping until it is configured and ready to be installed in
your system.
3.Keep all magnets away from both your hard and floppy
disk drives, especially magnetic screwdrivers. Keep both
floppy and hard disks apart if disassembed.
4.Keep water and liquids away from your computer and its