ASUS ME-99 User’s Manual
The AudioRack32 enables you to take advantage of your computer’s audio capa-
bilities with all of the controls conveniently in one compact space. You can play
audio CDs, wave files (in WAV and .AUD formats), and MIDI files (in.MID and
.RMI formats). With the multisource Audio Mixer, you can blend these sources with
line-in and microphone sources any way you choose. You can then record your cre-
ations as wave files and edit them with the Audio Recorder.
The AudioRack32 has six main parts:
Command Center—customizes the appearance of the AudioRack32.
3-D/Tone Controller—gives your computer ambiient 3D sound, transmitting any
sound played through the AudioRack32 into a wider arc.
Audio Mixer—controls the volume and balance of the AudioRack32 devices.
Digital Audio Player—plays and records files in the .WAV format.
MIDI Player—enables you to play MIDI files.
Compact Disk Player—enables you to play audio CDs on a CD-ROM drive.
In addition, the AudioRack32 has a miniature mode enabling you to control the
AudioRack32 while using minimal screen space.
The Audio Recorder is a separate application from the AudioRack32. It can be used
to add effects and edit files recorded with the Digital Audio Player or by the Audio
Recorder itself. The Audio Recorder can be launched from the AudioRack32’s Digital
Audio Player or on its own.