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Vereenvoudigd EU-conformiteitsverklaring

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. verklaart hierbij dat dit apparaat voldoet aan de 

essentiële vereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van Richtlijn 2014/53/

EU. De volledige tekst van de EU-conformiteitsverklaring is beschikbaar op
De WiFi op 5150-5350MHz zal beperkt zijn tot binnengebruik voor in de 

tabel vermelde landen:

Lihtsustatud EÜ vastavusdeklaratsioon

Käesolevaga kinnitab ASUSTek Computer Inc, et seade vastab direktiivi 

2014/53/EÜ olulistele nõuetele ja teistele asjakohastele sätetele. EL 

vastavusdeklaratsiooni täistekst on saadaval veebisaidil
Sagedusvahemikus 5150-5350 MHz töötava WiFi kasutamine on järgmistes 

riikides lubatud ainult siseruumides:

Eurooppa - EY:n vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus

ASUSTek Computer Inc. ilmoittaa täten, että tämä laite on direktiivin 

2014/53/EU olennaisten vaatimusten ja muiden asiaankuuluvien lisäysten 

mukainen. Koko EY:n vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutuksen teksti on 

luettavissa osoitteessa
5 150 - 5 350 MHz:in taajuudella toimiva WiFi on rajoitettu sisäkäyttöön 

taulukossa luetelluissa maissa:

اپورا هیداحتا هینایب هدش هداس هخسن زا تیعبت

 ریاس و یساسا یاهزاین اب هاگتسد نیا هک دنک یم ملاعا اجنیا رد 






 هیداحتا هینایب نیا زا یوریپ لماک نتم .دراد تقباطم .


 هینایب هب طوبرم تاررقم

 :تسا دوجوم سردآ نیا رد اپورا



 یارب نامتخاس لخاد یاضف رد هدافتسا یارب دیاب


 یارب زترهاگم



.دوش دودحم ،لودج رد هدش تسرهف یاهروشک

Απλοποιημένη Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης ΕΕ

Διά του παρόντος η ASUSTek Computer Inc. δηλώνει ότι αυτή η συσκευή 

είναι σύμμορφη με τις βασικές προϋποθέσεις και άλλες σχετικές διατάξεις 

της Οδηγίας 2014/53/ΕE. Το πλήρες κείμενο της δήλωσης συμμόρφωσης της 

ΕΕ είναι διαθέσιμο στη διεύθυνση
Το WiFi που λειτουργεί στη ζώνη 5150-5350MHz περιορίζεται για χρήση σε 

εσωτερικούς χώρους για τις χώρες που αναφέρονται στον παρακάτω πίνακα:

יפוריא דוחיאה רובע תרצוקמ תירוטלוגר תומיאת תרהצה

 תושירדל םאות הז רישכמ יכ תאזב הריהצמ ASUSTek Computer Inc. 

 תא אורקל ןתינ .


 הנקת לש םייטנוולרה םיפיעסה ראשלו תוינויחה

:תבותכב יפוריאה דוחיאה רובע תירוטלוגרה תומיאתה תרהצה לש אלמה חסונה 



 םירדתה תעוצרב תולעופה 


 תותשר ליבגהל שי

:האבה המישרב תוטרופמה תוצראב םירוגס םינבמ ךותב

Egyszerűsített EU megfelelőségi nyilatkozat

Az ASUSTek Computer Inc. ezennel kijelenti, hogy ez az eszköz megfelel az 

2014/53/EU sz. irányelv alapvető követelményeinek és egyéb vonatkozó 

rendelkezéseinek. Az EU megfelelőségi nyilatkozat teljes szövegét a 

következő weboldalon tekintheti meg:
Az 5150-5350 MHz-es sávban működő Wi-Fi-t beltéri használatra kell 

korlátozni az alábbi táblázatban felsorolt országokban:

Pernyataan Kesesuaian UE yang Disederhanakan

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. dengan ini menyatakan bahwa perangkat ini 

memenuhi persyaratan utama dan ketentuan relevan lainnya yang terdapat 

pada Petunjuk 2014/53/EU. Teks lengkap pernyataan kesesuaian EU tersedia 

WiFi yang Beroperasi pada 5150-5350 MHz akan terbatas untuk penggunaan 

dalam ruangan di negara yang tercantum dalam tabel

Vienkāršota ES atbilstības paziņojums

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ar šo paziņo, ka šī ierīce atbilst Direktīvas  

2014/53/ES būtiskajām prasībām un citiem citiem saistošajiem 

nosacījumiem. Pilns ES atbilstības paziņojuma teksts pieejams šeit:
Wi-Fi darbība 5150–5350 MHz ir jāierobežo lietošanai telpās valstīs, kuras 

norādītas tālāk.

Supaprastinta ES atitikties deklaracija

Šiame dokumente bendrovė „ASUSTek Computer Inc.“ pareiškia, kad šis 

prietaisas atitinka pagrindinius reikalavimus ir kitas susijusias Direktyvos 

2014/53/ES nuostatas. Visas ES atitikties deklaracijos tekstas pateikiamas čia:
Toliau nurodytose šalyse „WiFi“ ryšiu, veikiančiu 5 150–5 350 MHz dažnio 

juostoje, galima naudotis tik patalpose:

Forenklet EU-samsvarserklæring 

ASUSTek Computer Inc. erklærer herved at denne enheten er i samsvar med 

hovedsaklige krav og andre relevante forskrifter i direktivet 2014/53/EU. 

Fullstendig tekst for EU-samsvarserklæringen finnes på:
Wi-Fi-området 5150–5350 MHz skal begrenses til innendørs bruk for landene 

som er oppført i tabellen:

Simplified EU Declaration of Conformity

ASUSTek Computer Inc. hereby declares that this device is in compliance 

with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 

2014/53/EU. Full text of EU declaration of conformity is available at
The WiFi operating in the band 5150-5350MHz shall be restricted to indoor 

use for countries listed in the table below:

Déclaration simplifiée de conformité de l’UE

ASUSTek Computer Inc. déclare par la présente que cet appareil est 

conforme aux critères essentiels et autres clauses pertinentes de la directive 

2014/53/EU. La déclaration de conformité de l’UE peut être téléchargée à 

partir du site internet suivant :
Dans la plage de fréquence 5150-5350 MHz, le Wi-Fi est restreint à une 

utilisation en intérieur dans les pays listés dans le tableau ci-dessous:

Vereinfachte EU-Konformitätserklärung

ASUSTek COMPUTER INC erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Gerät mit den 

grundlegenden Anforderungen und anderen relevanten Bestimmungen 

der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU übereinstimmt. Der gesamte Text der EU-

Konformitätserklärung ist verfügbar unter:
Der WLAN-Betrieb im Band von 5150-5350 MHz ist für die in der unteren 

Tabelle aufgeführten Länder auf den Innenbereich beschränkt: 

Dichiarazione di conformità UE semplificata

ASUSTek Computer Inc. con la presente dichiara che questo dispositivo è 

conforme ai requisiti essenziali e alle altre disposizioni pertinenti con la 

direttiva 2014/53/EU. Il testo completo della dichiarazione di conformità UE 

è disponibile all’indirizzo:
L’utilizzo della rete Wi-Fi con frequenza compresa nell’intervallo 5150-

5350MHz deve essere limitato all’interno degli edifici per i paesi presenti 

nella seguente tabella:

Упрощенное заявление о соответствии европейской директиве

ASUSTek Computer Inc. заявляет, что устройство соответствует основным 

требованиям и другим соответствующим условиям директивы 2014/53/

EU. Полный текст декларации соответствия ЕС доступен на
Работа WiFi в диапазоне частот 5150-5350 должна быть ограничена 

использованием в помещениях для стран, перечисленных в таблице ниже:

يبورولأا داحتلاا نع رداصلا طسبملا قفاوتلا نلاعإ

 ماكحلأاو ةیساسلأا تابلطتملا عم قفاوتی زاهجلا اذه نأ 

ASUSTek Computer

 ةكرش رقت

 قفاوتلا نلاعلإ لماكلا صنلا رفوتی .



 هیجوتب ةصاخلا ةلصلا تاذ ىرخلأا

:ىلع يبورولأا داحتلاا نع رداصلا

 نادلبلل يلزنملا مادختسلاا ىلع زتره اجیم


 ـب ةلماعلا


 مادختسا رصح بجی

.لودجلاب ةجردملا

Опростена декларация за съответствие на ЕС

С настоящото ASUSTek Computer Inc. декларира, че това устройство е 

в съответствие със съществените изисквания и другите приложими 

постановления на свързаната Директива 2014/53/EC. Пълният текст на 

ЕС декларация за съвместимост е достъпен на адрес
WiFi, работеща в диапазон 5150-5350MHz, трябва да се ограничи до 

употреба на закрито за страните, посочени в таблицата по-долу:

Declaração de Conformidade UE Simplificada

ASUSTek Computer Inc. declara que este dispositivo está em conformidade 

com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições relevantes relacionadas às 

diretivas 2014/53/UE. O texto completo da declaração de conformidade CE 

está disponível em
O WiFi operando na banda 5150-5350MHz deve ser restrito para uso interno 

para os países listados na tabela abaixo:

Pojednostavljena EU Izjava o sukladnosti

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ovim izjavljuje da je ovaj uređaj sukladan s bitnim 

zahtjevima i ostalim odgovarajućim odredbama direktive 2014/53/EU. Cijeli 

tekst EU izjave o sukladnosti dostupan je na
WiFi koji radi na opsegu frekvencija 5150-5350 MHz bit će ograničen na 

upotrebu u zatvorenom prostoru u zemljama na donjem popisu:

Zjednodušené prohlášení o shodě EU

Společnost ASUSTek Computer Inc. tímto prohlašuje, že toto zařízení splňuje 

základní požadavky a další příslušná ustanovení směrnice 2014/53/ EU. Plné 

znění prohlášení o shodě EU je k dispozici na adrese
V zemích uvedených v tabulce je provoz sítě Wi-Fi ve frekvenčním rozsahu 5 

150 - 5 350 MHz povolen pouze ve vnitřních prostorech:

Forenklet EU-overensstemmelseserklæring

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. erklærer hermed at denne enhed er i 

overensstemmelse med hovedkravene og øvrige relevante bestemmelser i 

direktivet 2014/53/EU. Hele EU-overensstemmelseserklæringen kan findes 

Wi-Fi, der bruger 5150-5350 MHz skal begrænses til indendørs brug i lande, 

der er anført i tabellen:



Страница 1: ...Motherboard PRIME H610M A WIFI D4 ...


Страница 3: ...troduction 1 1 Before you proceed 1 1 1 2 Motherboard overview 1 1 1 3 Central Processing Unit CPU 1 8 1 4 System memory 1 10 Chapter 2 BIOS Information 2 1 Knowing BIOS 2 1 2 2 BIOS Setup program 2 2 2 3 ASUS EZ Flash 3 2 3 2 4 ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 2 4 Appendix Notices A 1 Warranty A 8 ASUS contact information A 10 Service and Support A 10 ...

Страница 4: ...electrical outlet you are using contact your local power company If the power supply is broken do not try to fix it by yourself Contact a qualified service technician or your retailer Operation safety Before installing the motherboard and adding components carefully read all the manuals that came with the package Before using the product ensure all cables are correctly connected and the power cabl...

Страница 5: ...itional information and for product and software updates 1 ASUS website The ASUS website provides updated information on ASUS hardware and software products Refer to the ASUS contact information 2 Optional documentation Your product package may include optional documentation such as warranty flyers that may have been added by your dealer These documents are not part of the standard package Convent...

Страница 6: ...10 Chipset Memory 2 x DIMM Max 64GB DDR4 3200 3000 2933 2800 2666 2400 2133 Non ECC Un buffered Memory Dual Channel Memory Architecture Supports Intel Extreme Memory Profile XMP Actual memory data rate depends on the CPU types and DRAM modules for more information refer to www asus com for memory support list Graphics 1 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI port 1 x D Sub port Graphics specifications may vary be...

Страница 7: ...o Shielding Premium audio capacitors Dedicated audio PCB layers A chassis with an HD audio module in the front panel is required to support 7 1 Surround Sound audio output Back Panel I O Ports 2 x USB 3 2 Gen 2 ports 2 x Type A 4 x USB 2 0 ports 4 x Type A 1 x DisplayPort 1 x HDMI port 1 x D Sub port 1 x Wi Fi Module 1 x Intel 1Gb Ethernet port 3 x Audio jacks 1 x PS 2 Keyboard purple port 1 x PS ...

Страница 8: ...N III DIGI VRM LANGuard Overvoltage Protection SafeSlot Core Stainless Steel Back I O ASUS Q Design Q DIMM Q Slot ASUS Thermal Solution VRM heatsink design AURA Sync AURA RGB headers Addressable Gen 2 headers Software Features ASUS Exclusive Software Armoury Crate AURA Creator AURA Sync Fan Xpert 2 AI Suite 3 Performance And Power Saving Utility TurboV EVO EPU DIGI VRM ASUS CPU Z MyASUS Norton Ant...

Страница 9: ...orm Factor 9 6 inch x 8 3 inch 24 4 cm x 21 1 cm Specifications are subject to change without notice Please refer to the ASUS website for the latest specifications MyASUS offers a variety of support features such as helping to troubleshoot issues optimizing product performance integrating ASUS software and recovery drive creation Please scan the QR Code for installation guide and FAQ ...

Страница 10: ...x ...

Страница 11: ... SPEAKER TPM 128Mb BIOS CLRTC F_PANEL SPDIF_OUT RGB_HEADER1 ADD_GEN 2_1 RGB_HEADER2 ADD_GEN 2_2 ADD_GEN 2_3 COM_DEBUG USB_56 USB_7 U32G1_34 AAFP COM ATX_PWR CPU_FAN CHA_FAN2 BATTERY CHA_FAN1 Super I O 24 4cm 9 6in DDR4 DIMM_A1 64bit 288 pin module 2280 2260 2242 2280 2260 2242 DDR4 DIMM_B1 64bit 288 pin module AUDIO KBMS HDMI DP VGA U32G2_12 USB_E12 21 1cm 8 3in SATA6G_1 SATA6G_2 SATA6G_3 SATA6G_4...

Страница 12: ...nly one orientation Find the proper orientation and push down firmly until the power supply plugs are fully inserted Ensure to connect the 8 pin power plug We recommend that you use a PSU with a higher power output when configuring a system with more power consuming devices The system may become unstable or may not boot up if the power is inadequate If you are uncertain about the minimum power sup...

Страница 13: ...ore you install or remove any component ensure that the power supply is switched off or the power cord is detached from the power supply Failure to do so may cause severe damage to the motherboard peripherals or components Actual lighting and color will vary with LED strip If your LED strip does not light up check if the addressable RGB LED strip is connected in the correct orientation and the 5V ...

Страница 14: the boot process and enter BIOS setup to re enter data If the steps above do not help remove the onboard battery and short the two pins again to clear the CMOS RTC RAM data After clearing the CMOS reinstall the battery 13 COM Port header This header is for a serial COM port Connect the serial port module cable to this header then install the module to a slot opening at the back of the system ch...

Страница 15: ...LED cable to this header The HDD LED lights up or flashes when data is read from or written to the HDD Power button Soft off button 2 pin PWR_BTN This header is for the system power button Reset button 2 pin RESET This 2 pin header is for the chassis mounted reset button for system reboot without turning off the system power 18 SPI TPM header This header supports a Trusted Platform Module TPM syst...

Страница 16: ...ese 4 pin Universal Serial Bus USB ports are for USB 2 0 devices 11 USB 3 2 Gen 2 up to 10Gbps ports teal blue Type A These Universal Serial Bus 3 2 USB 3 2 ports are for USB 3 2 Gen 2 devices Ethernet port LED indications Speed LED Status Description OFF 10 Mbps connection ORANGE 100 Mbps connection GREEN 1 Gbps connection Ethernet port 3 Ethernet port This port allows Gigabit connection to a Loc...

Страница 17: ...t Speaker Out Front Speaker Out Front Speaker Out Pink Rear panel Mic In Mic In Bass Center Bass Center Lime Front panel Side Speaker Out Headphone Pink Front panel Mic In Side Speaker Out To configure a 7 1 channel audio output Use a chassis with HD audio module in the front panel to support a 7 1 channel audio output Multi streaming is disabled by default and the Lime front panel jack may be use...

Страница 18: ... LGA1151 and LGA1200 sockets on the LGA1700 socket ASUS will not cover damages resulting from incorrect CPU installation removal incorrect CPU orientation placement or other damages resulting from negligence by the user LGA1700 Installing the CPU Take caution when lifting the load lever ensure to hold onto the load lever when releasing the load lever Letting go of the load lever immediately after ...

Страница 19: ...1 9 ASUS PRIME H610M A WIFI D4 ...

Страница 20: ...on frequency is dependent on its Serial Presence Detect SPD which is the standard way of accessing information from a memory module Under the default state some memory modules for overclocking may operate at a lower frequency than the vendor marked value For system stability use a more efficient memory cooling system to support a full memory load Always install DIMMs with the same CAS latency For ...

Страница 21: ...1 11 Installing a DIMM 1 2 B A A To remove a DIMM B A ASUS PRIME H610M A WIFI D4 ...

Страница 22: ...1 12 Chapter 1 Product Introduction ...

Страница 23: ...OS In normal circumstances the default BIOS settings apply to most conditions to ensure optimal performance DO NOT change the default BIOS settings except in the following circumstances An error message appears on the screen during the system bootup and requests you to run the BIOS Setup You have installed a new system component that requires further BIOS settings or update Inappropriate BIOS sett...

Страница 24: ...IOS Setup using the first two options After doing either of the three options press Delete key to enter BIOS Ensure that a USB mouse is connected to your motherboard if you want to use the mouse to control the BIOS setup program If the system becomes unstable after changing any BIOS setting load the default settings to ensure system compatibility and stability Select the Load Optimized Defaults it...

Страница 25: ...he BIOS to prevent system boot failure 1 Insert the USB flash disk that contains the latest BIOS file to the USB port 2 Enter the Advanced Mode of the BIOS setup program Go to the Tool menu to select ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utility and press Enter 3 Press the Left Right arrow keys to switch to the Drive field 4 Press the Up Down arrow keys to find the USB flash disk that contains the latest BIOS and then ...

Страница 26: ...US CAP or PH610MAW CAP and copy the renamed BIOS file to a USB flash drive 3 Turn on the system 4 Insert the USB flash drive containing the BIOS file to a USB port 5 The utility automatically checks the devices for the BIOS file When found the utility reads the BIOS file and enters ASUS EZ Flash 3 automatically 6 The system requires you to enter BIOS Setup to recover the BIOS setting To ensure sys...

Страница 27: ...ipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from th...

Страница 28: ...tion Sciences et Développement économique Canada ISED Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d Innovation Sciences et Développement économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence L exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes 1 l appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage et 2 l utilisateur de l appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi même s...

Страница 29: ...びこれに基づく命令の定めるところに従い使用してください 日本国外では その国の法律または規制により 本製品の使用ができないことがあります このような国では 本 製品を運用した結果 罰せられることがありますが 当社は一切責任を負いかねますのでご了承 ください Précautions d emploi de l appareil a Soyez particulièrement vigilant quant à votre sécurité lors de l utilisation de cet appareil dans certains lieux les avions les aéroports les hôpitaux les stations service et les garages professionnels b Évitez d utiliser cet appareil...

Страница 30: ... homogenous materials for cadmium except for the exemptions listed in Schedule II of the Rule Vietnam RoHS ASUS products sold in Vietnam on or after September 23 2011 meet the requirements of the Vietnam Circular 30 2011 TT BCT Các sản phẩm ASUS bán tại Việt Nam vào ngày 23 tháng 9 năm2011 trở về sau đều phải đáp ứng các yêu cầu của Thông tư 30 2011 TT BCT của Việt Nam Turkey RoHS AEEE Yönetmeliği...

Страница 31: ...ity is available at https www asus com support The WiFi operating in the band 5150 5350MHz shall be restricted to indoor use for the country listed below RTL8821CE output power table Function Frequency Maximum Output Power EIRP WiFi 2412 2472MHz 17 69 dBm 5150 5350MHz 20 25 dBm 5470 5725MHz 20 3 dBm Bluetooth 2402 2480MHz 7 42 dBm For the standard EN 300 440 if this device operates in 5725 5875 MH...

Страница 32: ...ity ASUSTek Computer Inc hereby declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014 53 EU Full text of EU declaration of conformity is available at https www asus com support The WiFi operating in the band 5150 5350MHz shall be restricted to indoor use for countries listed in the table below Déclaration simplifiée de conformité...

Страница 33: ...o skladnosti je na voljo na https www asus com support WiFi ki deluje v pasovnem območju 5150 5350 MHz mora biti v državah navedenih v spodnjem seznamu omejen na notranjo uporabo Declaración de conformidad simplificada para la UE Por la presente ASUSTek Computer Inc declara que este dispositivo cumple los requisitos básicos y otras disposiciones pertinentes de la directiva 2014 53 EU En https www ...

Страница 34: www asus com dk support HUG ASUS garanciális információk Az ASUS önkéntes gyártói kereskedelmi garanciát kínál Az ASUS fenntartja magának a jogot hogy értelmezze az ASUS kereskedelmi garanciára vonatkozó rendelkezéseket Ezt a kereskedelmi garanciát az ASUS függetlenül és a törvényes garancia mellett nyújtja és semmilyen módon nem befolyásolja vagy korlátozza a jogi garancia nyújtotta jogokat A ...

Страница 35: ...S komercijalne garancije Ova ASUS komercijalna garancija daje se nezavisno kao dodatak zakonskoj pravnoj garanciji i ni ka koji način ne utiče na i ne ograničava prava data pravnom garancijom Za sve informacije o garanciji posetite https www asus com support SW ASUS garantiinformation ASUS erbjuder en frivillig kommersiell tillverkningsgaranti ASUS förbehåller sig rätten att tolka bestämmelserna i...

Страница 36: Address 48720 Kato Rd Fremont CA 94538 USA ASUS COMPUTER GmbH Germany and Austria Address Harkortstrasse 21 23 40880 Ratingen Germany ASUSTeK UK LIMITED Address 1st Floor Sackville House 143 149 Fenchurch Street London EC3M 6BL England United Kingdom Service and Support Visit our multi language website at https www asus com support Appendix ...
