Astrel Instruments AST8300-X
When in liveview, frame a medium brightness star, push
and you will be asked to
click on a star in the field. After you click the selected star, the focus interface is started
displaying an enlargement of a small portion of sky around the star. The refresh rate
depends on the exposure time and can be as fast as nearly 3 frames per second
The focus interface displays the star along with a measure of the Full Width Half
Maximum and a plot of the intensity profile: use these parameters together with eye
inspection to focus the camera. You can change the exposure time and the enlargement
of the star field, as well as move around using the arrow buttons
At the end of the focus process, in order to verify the focus accuracy, it could be useful,
when permitted by the precision of the mount motors, to set the exposure time to 15-20
seconds to possibly show many stars of different brightness. This can also be done after
Getting Started 16/19 rev A