DeclaRaTIon of confoRMITY
: Machinery plant “Astra” AB
: Ulonu g. 33, 62161 Alytus, Lithuania
Product designation
: heating boiler Astra G-50
We declare that the above-mentioned products conform to the requirements of directives 97/23/EEC Article 2.3 and 2006/95
The following standards were applied for the above-mentioned products:
LST EN 303-5
LST EN 12828
LST EN 60335-1
LST EN 60529
Procedure of conformity evaluation in accordance with Article 2.3 of 97/23/EEC was performed by “Inspecta”, www.inspecta.
com. Certification No. 2-4.2.1/619/2012
Alytus , 201 ..............................................................................
Gražvydas Eimanavičius, project manager