Telestra USB Connections Matrix (Ver. 1, Rev. D.3)
Copyright © 2008 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
Iris Connections
All USB devices require ASTi cable "CA-UA-UMB-X", where X stands for length, for
correct operation.
This type of connection is not supported.
This type of connection is not supported.
This type of connection is not supported.
In some con
gurations, it is possible to daisy-chain one Iris device off another, upstream Iris mod-
ule. This can only be done when the upstream Iris device is connected directly to an Axis local
distribution module.
This type of connection is supported.
Cable type: USB cable, standard A type connector to miniature B type connector
Maximum cable length: 6 feet
If the upstream Iris device is connected to a Spectrum unit, daisy-chaining is not supported.
This type of connection is not supported.
From Iris
To Axis
From Iris
To 2ch or 4ch Prism
From Iris
To Spectrum
From Iris off Axis
To Iris
6 ft. max.
From Iris off Spectrum
To Iris