ASTi Telestra Target Operations & Maintenance Manual (Ver. 2, Rev. M)
Copyright © 2020 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
5.2. The HLA Remote Control Interface
The HLA federate software runs in the background upon system startup and may only be accessed
through the remote control interface. The user accesses the remote control interface through a
TCP/IP connection to the appropriate control port. Each federate has its own control port as
specified in the HLA Configuration section of the ACE Studio Development Workstation
Technical User Guide (DOC-01-TELAS-UG-4). A given control port can only support one TCP
connection at a time. Once the remote control interface is in place, the user can completely control
the system from a remote computer.
Through the remote control interface, a host computer can tell the federate to join or resign from a
The host can also get the following information from the federate:
• Joined/resign status
• Current federate name, federation name, fed file name, rid file name, and conversion file
• RTI network activity information
The host can only get this information if it is controlling the federate. The commands and
responses through this interface are all text based, readable messages. A host emulator program is
supplied with the Target and it can act as a console attached to the federate, either on the local or
on a remote system. The connection is designed to be robust; if the connection is unexpectedly
closed or broken, the socket will automatically re-open and begin listening for a new connection
after a time-out period.
Any changes (i.e. Federation Name at Join or Debug Level) made through the HLA Remote
Control Interface are temporary changes and are only applicable for the duration of the project
install. Upon reinstall of the project/layout any changes will be lost. In the layout, modify the
HLA Domain to make permanent changes.