ASTi Telestra Target Operations & Maintenance Manual (Ver. 2, Rev. M)
Copyright © 2020 Advanced Simulation Technology inc.
Appendix D: Useful Linux
The following commands are useful when navigating the Target via the command line.
Typing ‘
’ at the command line displays the files that are in a particular directory. It is similar to
the ‘
’ command in DOS. Common variations include ‘
ls -l
,’ which displays more
information about the files and ‘
ls -a
,’ which will display all files and directories including
“hidden directories.”
This command returns the full path that you are currently in. It is useful for seeing where you are
in the directory tree.
The Change Directory command allows the user to navigate through the file system. It is similar
to ‘
’ in DOS but there are a few differences. For example, Linux is case sensitive. As a result
the command:
cd Folder1
is not the same as
cd folder1
There is a shortcut to go up one folder which is the ‘
’ expression. Similarly, they can be
combined to go up multiple folders in a single line. See example below: