:: Table of Contents
1................... Cover
2................... Introduction
3................... 1:1 Hardware “Fold Out”
4................... Table of Contents
5 - 7..............Differentials Build
(Bag 1.1, 1.2)
7 - 8..............Steering / Chassis Build
(Bag 2.1, 2.2)
9 - 10...........Front Gearbox Build
(Bag 3.1, 3.2)
11 - 12.........Front Uprights Build
(Bag 4.1, 4.2)
12 - 14........Rear Gearbox Build
(Bag 5.1, 5.2 )
15 - 16........Rear Uprights / Turnbuckles
Build (5.2, 6.1)
16 - 17.........RC8T3.1e Center Bulkhead/
Brakes Build (Bag 7.1, 7.2)
17 - 18 .......Anti-Roll Bars Build (8.1)
18 - 19........Shocks Build (Bag 9.1)
20................. RC8T3.1e Radio Tray Build
(10.1, 10.2)
21................. RC8T3.1e Receiver Box /
Linkage Build (Bag 11.1, 11.2)
22 - 23.......RC8T3.1 Center Bulkhead /
Brakes (Bag 7.2, 7.2)
23 - 25....... RC8T3.1 Radio Tray Build
(Bag 10.1, 10.2)
26 - 27....... RC8T3.1Servo / Linkage Build
(Bag 11.1, 11.2)
27 - 30.......Engine / Tank Build
(Bag 12.1, 12.2)
31.................Wheels / Tires / Body
32.................Droop Settings
33 - 45.......Catalog
46 - 47........RC8T3.1e Setup Sheets
48 - 49.......RC8T3.1 Setup Sheets
50................Back Cover
:: Notes
There is a 1:1 hardware foldout page in the
front of the manual. To check the size of a part,
line up your hardare with the correct drawing
until you find the exact size. Each part in the
foldout has a number assigned to it for ordering
replacement parts.
This symbol indicates a special
note or instruction in the manual.
This symbol indicates a Racers Tip.
Associated Electrics, Inc.
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