Yale Doorman for Aptus
If the door is opened without first being unlocked,
or if the electronics are tampered with, the door
alarm will be triggered. The lock will emit a puls-
ing noise and the keypad will flash. To reset the
alarm, hold a valid key tag to the lock or enter a
valid user code.
Door alarm
If your landlord provides app Låsa smartphone
(Aptus), so it is a number of operations for the
lock that can be done directly in the app.
1. Lock the door.
2. Unlock the door.
3. See if the door is locked or unlocked.
4. Enable or block keys, and user codes.
5. Create new user code in the lock.
6. Change the user code or key.
7. Give the user code access to the entrance door
as well.
8. Ensure battery warning.
9. See who unlocked the lock.
The actual app is available to download from
Google Play or the Apple App Store (iTunes), but
your landlord must offer the service for it to work.
About the app Låsa smartphone