Hardware Monitor
In the Hardware Monitor section,
i t s h o w s t h e m a j o r r e a d i n g s o f
your system. The main readings
include Clock, Fan & Temperature,
and Voltage. In Clock, there are
C P U s p e e d a n d C P U r a t i o . I n
F a n & Te m p e r a t u r e , t h e r e a r e
CPU temperature and MXM GPU
temperature. You may find out if
there’s any abnormal situation occurs
to your system’s temperature. In
Voltage, there are many respective
Fan Control
In the Fan Control section, there are
two major chapters: Temperature
and CPU Fan. In Temperature, it
shows the major readings of CPU
and MXM GPU temperature. In CPU
Fan, it shows the fan target speed
and temperature, and you are able to
adjust the setting by clicking the “+/-”
and confi rm by “APPLY” afterward.