GMT – Configuring the time area for the time display in the Command Line
The following is for the PPPoE configuration. (see figure 3.2)
Figure 3.2: PPPoE Configuration
PPPoE User Name – Put the PPPoE connection account in this table.
Please get this info from your ISP.
PPPoE Password – Put the PPPoE connection password in this table.
Please get this info from your ISP.
PPPoE IP Address – After the connection success, this table will show you
the IP address which the gateway got from the ISP.
PPPoE Destination – After the connection success, this table will show you
the default gateway address, which the gateway got from the ISP.
PPPoE DNS primary – After the connection success, this table will show
you the DNS ip address from the ISP.
Reboot After Remote Host Disconnection – Enable this function will make
the gateway restart automatically if the PPPoE connection is disconnected
or the IP address was taken back by the ISP.