Enter option code:
The basic BT Pro LCD comes with software containing BT+ and Biofeed-
back, all other functions are optional and can be activated by purchasing
a key code. Every optional function has their unique code and associated
with its serial numbers.
To activate optional functions, press and hold UP (7) key then press
POWER (8) key, after beep release buttons then LCD displays four dash-
es (Fig 4) and first on the left will be flashing. Press UP (7) or DOWN (6)
to select code number / letter. After correct number/letter is shown then
press SELECT (5) to select next digit to enter, repeat until all 4 digits are
entered. Press SELECT (5) for confirm. If the code was matched then a
beep will sound and option name will be displayed, otherwise re-enter
code again. If nothing matched screen will be returned to the beginning.
When finished press POWER (8). This will turn off machine and matched
option code will be permanently saved into memory.
Fig 4
Check serial numbers:
Each serial number is unique and is saved into the memory of each
individual machine. It can be displayed anytime.
Press and hold DOWN (7) key then press POWER (8) key, after beep re-
lease buttons, the LCD will display a 4 digits serial number (Fig 5). This
number will be the same as the last 4 numbers on back of the machine and
top of the packing box.
Fig 5