A folding 8 shaft 30cm (12ins) table loom
To unfold your loom
Step 1:
Loosen the knobs securing the front beam and fold down.
Engage the locks, lift the front beam and tighten the knobs.
Step 2:
Lift the front of the loom slightly and fold the feet out.
Dear Weaver,
Congratulations on purchasing your new Katie Table Loom. For over 75 years we have been making craft equipment for spinners and weavers
around the world and have now produced over 600,000 wheels and looms. We are sure you will enjoy the convenience and portability of this
loom. Thank you for choosing Ashford.
Your Katie Table Loom has been lacquered prior to assembly. If desired, an application of Ashford Wax finish may further enhance its
Step 3:
Loosen the knobs securing the back beam and fold down.
Engage the locks, lift the back beam and tighten the knobs.