Asentria SiteBoss 571 UserManual
Page 33
Agent IP Address
Input the Agent IP address or hostname for this request (maximum Length 64 characters).
Read Community
Enter the SNMP read community for this request. The default is public (maximum length for each is 32 characters).
Enter the SNMP object identifier to be polled (maximum Length 64 characters).
Period (seconds)
This option configures the amount of time between SNMP requests to the agent, measured in seconds. Values are
between 1 and 255 (defaults to 10).
Buffer ID
A textual field that is part of the record containing the telemetry result.
Buffer Threshold
This selection controls when new data is stored upon a successful telemetry request. The data stored depends on
how the Buffer Threshold field is set:
If the field is left blank then the telemetry is always stored.
If set to "any difference" then the telemetry is stored only if it is different from the last value stored.
If set to an integer (for example: 3) then it is treated as a hysteresis value (the span plus or minus the last
stored value). This means that if the new telemetry does not exceed the threshold ( or -) beyond the
last stored value, then the new telemetry is not stored.
If set to a floating point number (for example: 3.1) then it is treated as a hysteresis value for SNMP OCTET
STRING types where the value looks like a floating point number. This means that if the last stored value is
NOT a floating point number then the unit will ignore the threshold and store the new telemetry.
FTP Settings
This menu is used to configure automatic FTP pushes of buffered data.
Once FTP Push has been configured, entering the
command from the command prompt will test the
connectivity to the FTP server and write a “log in” and “log out” entry to the Status File in the directory you
configured. No data is pushed with this command. Connection data displayed on the terminal screen is useful if
the connection fails.
An immediate push of data can be done using the
command from the command prompt.
SiteBoss 571 - FTP Settings
A) FTP Push Enable [OFF]
B) FTP Server Address []
C) Username [Default FTP Username]
D) Password [********]
E) Account []
F) Directory []
G) Minutes Between Push Attempts [1440]
H) Select Files to Push
I) Remote File Names
FTP Push Enable
FTP Push Enable toggles between OFF, REGULAR, and SECURE. Default setting is OFF.
Setting Key:
By default, Secure FTP (SFTP) uses TCP Port 22. For security purposes, this can be changed to any TCP
port between 1 and 65535 as directed by user's network system administrator.
FTP Server Address
Set this field as the IP address or host name of the FTP server to push to (maximum length 64 chars).