Ascotel® IntelliGate® 2025/2045/2065 as of I7.9
Operation and Maintenance
– I7.
– 1
SEM Server
The SEM Server receives event messages from PBX systems and stores all the im-
portant data in the corresponding AIMS databases.
For the program to operate correctly, there has to be at least one AIMS database.
SEM Viewer
The SEM Viewer is used to edit the event messages stored by the SEM Server; they
can then be filtered, sorted, printed or written into a file according to, for example ,
status, customer, PBX or priority.
The SEM Viewer can also be used to set, for each AIMS database, the way in which
the SEM Server should respond to an event message (e.g. send e-mail, print out on
a printer).
6. 5. 3
Operating state and error displays
6. 5. 3. 1
Status display – basic system
The mainboard has a 7-segment display which indicates the system's current oper-
ating state, depending on the mode selected.
The main operating state displays in normal mode are listed below. The HEX rotary
switch has to be on position 0, 2 or 5. A description of the various HEX rotary switch
positions can be found in
"Switch positions of the HEX rotary switch", page 243
Tab. 106 Operating state displays of the 7-segment display in normal mode
7-segment display
Detailed Description
State / Remarks
Point is flashing
Combinations of displays are possible
System in operation
Upper segment lit
Internal port in operation
Middle segment lit
External port in operation
Lower segment lit
PBX prebarred