clArIfyINg mEssAgEs
Whatever your type of message, it is automatically converted
into the format required by the receiving device, such as a
pager or wireless handset. Messages can be converted to
give precise information about what has happened mini-
mising the risk for misunderstandings. Privacy and security
is guaranteed by encrypting messages. All messages, even
sensitive data, can therefore be handled by Unite.
Case – Underground communications
No longer bound to information available only from the
control room, workers at a zinc mine are free to move about
their workplace and attend to their jobs. Key process data
selectively taken from the ore processing automation system
is sent to mobile telephones to keep each miner abreast of
production values throughout the day. In addition to recieving
process data each mobile phone is configured to receive three
types of messages: voice, process alarm, and personal alarm
with positioning.
Multiple communications systems are joined and admin-
istered to ensure the delivery of messages across a wide
variety of wire line, wireless, and mobile media. Unite
integration enables heightened cooperation among your
Case – Emergency C-section
The push of a button at the Birth Centre starts a chain
reaction. An audible evacuation message is given in a bed
elevator. Once the elevator is empty, it proceeds to the
Birth Centre on floor 7 and waits there with open doors.
Elevator doors open to the emergency on the 4th floor and
blue lights go on creating a path leading from the emer-
gency room entrance to the emergency surgery area.
An on-call anaesthesiologist and gynaecologist are
paged, as are the nurses specialising in surgery, anaesthe-
siology, and neonatal care. The alarm text “Emergency
C-Sect” displays in each of their pagers.