product sheet: sYMphoNY MuLtI
Ascom reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Ascom acknowledges all registered trademarks appearing herein.
Ascom network testing AG
Glutz-Blotzheim-strasse 3
ch-4503 solothurn | switzerland
t + 41 32 624 21 21
F + 41 32 624 21 43
Ascom network testing inc.
25541 commercentre drive, suite 100
Lake Forest | cA 92630 | usA
t +1.949.614.8700
F +1.949.598.3693
Ascom network testing ltd
oak house, shackleford road
elstead | surrey Gu8 6LB | uK
t +44 1252 705 705
F +44 1252 705 706
scom Network Testing
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JuSt one oF mAny ASCom SolutionS
Ascom specializes in user experience optimization – making sure that
mobile services and applications work the way they’re supposed to.
We apply our software to provide solutions to specific challenges
– and we always look at whole services from the only perspective that
really matters: the user’s.
to do that successfully means being able to coordinate a multitude
of disciplines from content validation to network infrastructure and opera-
tions, from handset design and service deployment.
there are literally thousands of ways for this value chain to break
down and the user experience to disappoint. that’s where Ascom comes in.
We work hard to ensure you build a testing solution that works in the new
complex world of mobile services.