product sheet
sYMphoNY MuLtI
the symphony Multi has the same powerful
features as the QVoice symphony, with the
difference that it runs on a different hard-
ware platform.
It has been proven to be reliable and popu-
lar in North and south America, Asia, europe
and other parts of the world.
QUaLITY Of ServIce BeNcHMarkINg
the symphony-Multi test system is backed
by the most qualified development team in this
market segment, providing an unrivaled knowl-
edge base, an extensive range of technical re-
sources, and global experience in every air in-
Symphony multi
the latest generation of this Quality of service (Qos) wireless bench-
marking system, allows cellular operators to evaluate competitive network
performance from the subscriber’s perspective while simultaneously gather-
ing engineering performance data on their own networks.
Flexible and scalable
Any combination of test phones, data cards, and scanning receivers
can be configured – up to a total of 24 devices. All major air interface
technologies are supported, including GsM/edGe, uMts, hspA, cdMA-1x,
evdo rev A, and ideN, making Multi an ideal platform for the evaluation
and measurement of multiple diverse wireless systems.
mix-and-match of technologies
harnessing the efficiency of multiple parallel test phones/cards with
the in-depth analysis capabilities of the scanning receiver, symphony Multi
provides the most capable, full-featured mobile test system in the indus-
try. each single Board computer (sBc) module can support one test phone
and one data card interface, increasing the number and type of simultane-
ous tests that can be performed and reducing the amount of hardware
proven history
Built on the widely deployed Multi hardware system from Ascom Inc.
(formerly comarco), symphony is also available as an in-line upgrade for
their extensive existing installed base of Qos measurement products.