<KM103501> 2015/02
Board Function
The AKD2300 is the evaluation board for the AK2300.The AKD2300 has on-board(internal) clock generate function.
The evaluation can begin by setting the DIP Switches. External resistance and capacitors of the I/O amplifier can be
changed. It provides easy the setting of the parameter of the desire.
Board Layout
The AKD2300 has six following components.
1 : Power supply pins
2 : The PLD setting Switches
3 : The AK2300 setting Switches
4 : Digital Interface
5 : Analog Interface
6 : Path selection Jumpers of the AK2300 input data
4.Degital Interface
3.The AK2300 setting Switches
2.The PLD setting Switches
Path selection Jumpers
5.Analog Interface
1.Power supply pins
AK2300 Evaluation Board