Maintenance & Inspection
Check the air hose for
Replace if any damage is found.
Check the saw blade for
chipping or damage.
Replace if chipping is found. (For the saw blade replacing procedure,
refer to page 13 "How to Set the Saw Blade".)
Inspection and
replacement of Guide pin.
Remove and replace the worn Guide pin as
illustrated right.
(No.58510 Guide pin)
Check if screws are loosen
and tight them up if .
Retighten any loosed screws.
Oiling the Parts.
Oil the following parts periodically(Use machine oil sold in the shop.)
・Saw guide
・Rotary shaft and rotary bush
・Operating handle slide way
Check the Saw Guide carefully
that there is no chips, mud,
sand, water and so on.
If chips, mud, sand, water, etc. remain sticking to the Saw Guide, the
Saw Guide will rust and lead to a failure. Always clean the Saw Guide
before storing the machine.
Remove stain from the
machine and keep clean.
The outer frame of the machine is made of rigid synthetic resin.
However its surface will be damaged by gasoline, thinner, petroleum
and kerosene. When cleaning, wipe its surface with a dry cloth or a
cloth immersed in soap suds.
Keep them in safe and
dry places.
Do not store the machine at following places:
・Where children can reach and take the machine easily.
・Where exposed to rain or humidity.
・Where sudden temperature changes.
・Under direct sunlight.
・Near volatile material which may ignite or explode.
Guide pin
● Check, clean and repair / replace the following areas regularly.
◆ Before starting inspection or maintenance, always turn the switch off and
disconnect the attachment plug from the receptacle.
The machine will start running suddenly, it will lead to accident or injury.