The CV socket is the main IV/OCT control input for the VCO. This input will /- control voltages and should
be your control input from a CV keyboard/controller such as the A.S French Connection, Sorceror or Demon when
used in the analogue mode. With the ‘Glide’ knob turned to the ‘F’ position (fast) no glide will be present. As the
knob is turned clockwise a slewing of the INPUT voltage will increase. This glide control is also known as
‘ P o r t a m e n t o ’ or ‘LAG’. If the Midi Convertor is being used internally this input can still be used, Midi generated
CV’s are not routed through the Glide control.
The Pitch Mod Socket and associated Amount Pot is another method of controlling the frequency of the Oscillator.
The Amount Pot also acts as an Invertor so that positive and negative frequency sweeps can be achieved from a
Positive Control Voltage. For instance the envelope sends out 0 to 9.5 volt, if the ENV OUT was patched to the
PITCH MOD INPUT in the full ‘+’ position the frequency of the VCO will increase by 9.5 Octaves. However with
the CONTROL knob in the full ‘-’ position the frequency of the VCO will decrease by 9.5 Octaves. Many control
VOLTAGE sources are available on a synthesizer both + and - AC or DC, so many types of frequency modulation
and sweeping is easily achieved. The closer the knob is to the ‘O’ position the smaller the amount of control.
This is a hard sync input used to reset the VCO waveform using a second oscillator. A wide range of
frequencies, waveshapes and levels will determine the type of sync generated.