Set-Up Wizard
To access the Set-Up Wizard for the HeatPumPro confirm that the Power Switch is “ON”, then press the red
“RESET” button and immediately press the blue “ENTER” button while the start up screen is active. Use the
white UP and DOWN buttons to change Options within each Category. Below are the setup categories in the
order they appear in the software. The Setup Worksheet in the back on the manual can be used to document
your settings.
All settings are held in memory even when power is interrupted. To view options or make changes after initial
setup, simply press the red “RESET” button and proceed through the setup categories, making any necessary
changes, using the white “UP” and “Down” buttons.
Show Temperature in
Determines the temperature display scale on the HeatPumPro.
Allows specified mode to interrupt active cycle.
Priority options
include- Automatic, Heating, Cooling, or Zone Weight Priority.
In Automatic Priority: Auto priority will allow the first call
(either heating and cooling) to establish the priority
sequence for this cycle. A heating or cooling call will
always override fan-only operation. Any zone can initiate
constant fan if no other zone has a demand for either heating
or cooling.
In Zone Weight Priority: Zone Weight priority allows the
call in the largest weighted zone(s) to have priority over any
opposing calls in the smaller zones. The board continues
that call until the largest weight zone is satisfied or the
opposing call becomes the larger zone.
In Heating Priority: Heating priority allows heating to
have priority over cooling. Any zone calling for heating
will be served immediately; if a cooling cycle is in process
it will be terminated. The mode being served will be limited to
a 20 min. cycle.
In Cooling Priority: Cooling priority allows cooling to have
priority over heating. Any zone calling for cooling will be
served immediately if no other zone wants cooling. Any
zone can have constant fan, if no other zone wants cooling
or heating.
Note: In Heating, Cooling and Automatic Priority the board
will serve the priority caller for 20 minutes then the opposing
call for 20 minutes and rotate until all calls are satisfied.
Zone Weight