Aruba
Networks
Inc.
–
Confidential.
Further
distribution
prohibited
without
prior
written
consent
from
Aruba
Networks.
©2011
Page
of
3.
If
you
click
on
'List
Available
Plugins'
from
the
Administrator
menu,
you
will
see
a
list
of
all
of
the
individual
plugins
that
make
up
the
Amigopod
solution.
Most
plugins
have
some
configuration
options
available
and
others
simply
provide
a
specific
feature.
Skin
plugins
control
the
look
and
feel
of
the
application
and
you
can
have
multiple
skin
plugins
installed
for
multi
‐
profile
customers.
If
you
click
to
enable
the
'amigopod
skin'
plugin
from
plugin
manager
you
can
see
how
the
look
and
feel
of
the
application
can
be
instantly
changed.
Note:
Be
sure
to
change
it
back
to
the
Aruba
skin
look
and
feel
for
the
next
person.
4.
Amigopod
provides
a
powerful
and
flexible
interface
for
authenticating
operators
to
the
application.
Operator
accounts
can
reside
internally
to
Amigopod,
or
you
can
link
in
with
an
existing
LDAP/Active
Directory
server.
When
an
operator
authenticates
to
Amigopod,
they
will
be
assigned
an
operator
profile
which
controls
what
type
of
access
they
have
to
the
application
e.g.
creating
different
types
of
guest
accounts,
access
to
services,
reporting,
administration,
etc.
From
the
Administrator
menu,
click
on
Operator
Logins