Select the preset JMB_Classic1
The minimoog V comes with 400 presets, which will familiarize you with the sounds of
the synthesizer. A bank called «User / Temp» offers a selection of presets with a basic
configuration (or template) to start programming a sound.
(The sound «1_Osc», for example, comes with: an oscillator directed to the low-pass
filter, with the signal then routed to the VCA.)
It is also possible to see all of the presets corresponding to a given type of sub-bank by choosing the «All»
option in the bank. For example, to see all of the bass presets click on «All» in the bank selection and then on
1.1.1 Modifying this preset
For this, we’ll start with a very simple manipulation.
Modify the brightness of the «JMB_Classic1» sound using the «Cutoff Frequency»
potentiometer of the filter. Turn this potentiometer and you will hear the tone of the
sound becoming more or less «brilliant». Set this potentiometer to your convenience.
Change the brightness of the sound
In the same manner, you can change the range of oscillator1 by turning the «Range»
potentiometer to one of the six values expressed in steps (like on organs). The lower
the number, the higher the pitch of the sound. (The standard tuning is found at the
value 8’)