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7. Systems Requirements
7.1 Recommended Specifications
●Intel Chipset ICH series (6 or later version)
●CPU: Intel Core2duo 2.4GHz or higher
●Operating System: Windows XP(SP2) or later version
7.2 Minimum Specifications
●USB2.0 Enhanced Host Controller
●CPU: Intel Pentium4 1.7GHz or higher
●Operating System: Windows XP or later version
■Please refer the restrictions below when you use ARTCAM.
(1) Recommended System Requirements
If the system specifications do not meet the requirements recommended above, it may be difficult to run at
the maximum frame rate, especially at 48MHz high-speed mode.
(2) Connection of Multiple USB Devices
Please be aware that depending on the specifications of the user's PC, it may be difficult to supply the
power to the USB devices when multiple USB devices are connected.
(3) USB2.0 cable Extension
We cannot guarantee the functionality of the USB2 camera if the user adopts USB2.0 extension cables or
repeaters which are not confirmed by us. With the extension cables or repeaters, the bandwidth of transfer
may differ, and thus caused malfunctions such as a low frame rate or recognition failure on the camera.
What may cause the problem is that the regulation of the power lines becomes not enough, and so causes
impudence mismatch on data signals.
*For the recommended extension cable, please contact our sales department. (TEL: +81-3-3389-5488)
1-17-5 Kouenjikita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 166-0002 Japan
Tel: +81-3-3389-5488
Fax: +81-3-3389-5486
Email: [email protected] URL: www.artray. us