Broadband 75
Distribution Amplifiers
Broadband 75
distribution amplifier (Option 5)
Figure 17.
Single Broadband 75
distribution amplifier, FS730/5.
The FS735 dual distribution amplifier is also available.
This distribution amplifier is intended to distribute broadband (dc-100 MHz) analog signals
over 75
coax. The amplifier has one input and seven outputs, all on BNC connectors. The
input and outputs are dc coupled with a 75
impedance. Applications include the
distribution of frequency references, IRIG timing signals, composite video, audio, etc.
There are four indicator LEDs. The “power” LED indicates that the unit has ac power. The
“signal” LED indicates that an input signal greater that 300 mV is present. The “overload”
LED indicates that the input signal has exceeded ± 2.2 V. The “fault” LED indicates a
problem with the unit’s internal dc power supply.
Stanford Research Systems
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