Doc.-no.: DPC200-MOD_02_EN
Issue: 08/2019
10. Specifications
Measuring medium:
Measuring principle:
Measuring unit:
Lowest span:
Highest span:
Adjustable controlling
Signal output characteristic:
Control characteristic:
Setpoint setting:
Modbus Communication
Baud rate:
Device adress / ID:
Parity check:
Telegram structure:
Protection class:
Pressure connections:
Electrical connections:
Supply voltage:
Current consumption:
Signal output:
Ambient temperature:
Storage temperature:
Overpressure protection:
Static pressure:
Influences / limits:
Interference / emission:
Measuring or controlling mode
Air or inert gases
Silicon diaphragm with spring and differential transformer
Pa / inH
O oder m
/h oder cfm
0...50 Pa
0...6000 Pa
P/I - parameter, k-factor, maximum output voltage, normal/
inverse control
linear or square root
PI - algorithm
setpoint adjustable within software
Modbus RTU
selectable in menu, 7200...57600
selectable in menu, 1...247
selectable in menu, none, even, odd, none2stopbits
8 Bit ID; 8 Bit FC; 16 Bit DA; 16 Bit D; 16 Bit CRC
UL 94 HB; Case polyamid, cover ABS
approx. 250 g
IP 54 according EN 60529
LCD-Display, 2 x 16 characters
tubing 5 mm ø or 6 mm ø
cable inlet M16 x 1.5, screw terminal, Electronic protec-
tion against reversed polarization
22...26 Vdc; 24 Vac (±10%)
approx. 30 mA @ 24 Vdc; < 1 W Power
0...10 V; I
= 1.0 mA, R
= 10 kΩ
-10...50 °C
-25...60 °C
0.2 bar
max. 0.2 bar
Zero error:
± 0.75 %
Sum of linearity and hysteresis : ± 0.5 % ... ± 1 %
Temperature drift, zero point:
± 0.3 % / 10 K
Temperature drift, span:
± 0.2 % / 10 K
according EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3, CE mark