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FiberLink 3380 Series User’s Manual
FiberLink 3380 Series
Audio Introduction
Audio Introduction:
The FiberLink 3380 & 3381 are designed to insert (3380) or extract (3381) one of the four
groups of audio signals in an SDI signal . Each of the four audio groups contain two channel
pairs . Each channel pair contains two audio signals . Therefore, a total of four analog audio
signals can be encoded into the SDI signal by the 3380 transmitter or decoded from the SDI
signal by the 3381 receiver .
The 3380 takes an SDI signal (BNC) and up to 4 balanced or unbalanced analog audio
signals (DB-25 TASCAM) as inputs . There are 2 four position switches on the 3380 . One to
select the audio group (1-4) that the 3380 will embed into and to determine if it will embed
the analog audio input signals or pass any audio signals previously embedded in the
incoming SDI stream . This is done on a channel pair basis . The other four position switch
selects the input impedance of each of the analog audio inputs . They can be set to 600
ohms or Hi-Z .
The 3381 Receiver has two four position switches, one to select the audio group (1-4) that
will be de-embedded from the SDI signal and a second switch allows for the muting of the
individual analog audio outputs .
The 3381 takes a SMPTE 297-2006 compliant fiber optic input transmitted from a
3380 transmitter, a 3360 transmitter, a 3350 transmitter, FiberLink Matrix or other
SMPTE 297-2006 compliant optical device . This makes the 3380 Series very flexible in that
you can cross convert analog to digital (3380 to 3361) or digital to analog (3360 to 3381) .
Please see the following pages for detailed operational instructions, audio configuration
settings and LED descriptions .
Note: Audio embedding can only take place when a valid 3G/HD/SD-SDI video
signal is present. The unit cannot be used as an audio only transmission system.