F rom the innovative minds at ART.
F rom the innovative minds at ART.
Low Noise –High Performance
Dual 31– Band EQ
FDC™ Feedback Detection
Constant – Q filtering with
ISO Centers
LED Illuminated Detented
Switchable Power Line Voltage
2U Rack Spaces
Independent Variable High– P a s s
and Low-Pass Filters
Swit/- 6db or +/-12db
Boost / Cut Range
Independent Level and
Bypass Controls
Equalizer Output LED Metering
The A RT HQ-231 Dual 31-Band EQ features A RT ’s
p r o p r i e t a ry FDC™ (Feedback Detection Circ u i t )
found exclusively in A RT equalizers. FDC shows
you exactly where feedback is occurring – quick l y
and precisely – making the proper attenuation of
offending frequencies fast and easy.
Professional quality feature s , functionality and
a new low-noise design make the HQ-231 an
outstanding equalizer. The HQ-231 has Constant-
Q filtering with ISO centers, independent va r i a b l e
high-pass and low-pass filters, L E D - i l l u m i n a t e d
detented slide potentiometers, s w i t /- 6db
or +/-12db boost/cut ra n g e, i n d e p e n d e n t level a n d
bypass controls, and EQ output LED metering.
During opera t i o n , various EQ band LED’s will
illuminate as the HQ-231 processes a signal. T h e
loudest band will correspond with the brightest
L E D. When feedback occurs, FDC (and it’s brightest
L E D ) s h ows you exactly where to attenuate – it’s
that simple! You’ll also know you have properly
attenuated the signal as the LED reduces it’s
i l l u m i n a t i o n .
The HQ-231 EQ circ u i t ry is ex t remely pre c i s e, a n d
the Constant-Q filtering helps the HQ’s FDC wo r k
with great efficiency. When f e e d b a ck occurs at a
certain band, the ensuing attenuation will not
affect surrounding bands. This p recision is, o f
c o u r s e, absolutely critical for professional
applications and situations where top audio
p e r f o rmance is a re q u i re m e n t .
A d d i t i o n a l l y, FDC enables you to observe those
f re q u e n cy bands with the greatest energy when
p r o gram material is being playe d , and can help
to quickly locate dominant room modes during
system setup.
The HQ-231 is ex t remely useful for equalization
and feedback elimination in a wide variety of
s i t u a t i o n s , including live sound re i n f o rc e m e n t ,
monitor mixes, nightclub and DJ applications,
ch u rch e s , re s t a u rants and many more environ-
ments where precision equalization and feedback
detection is essential.
Applied Research & Te c h n o l o g y
215 Tre m o n t St., Rochester, NY 14608
585.436.2720 tel
585.436.3942 fax
w w w. a rt p ro a u d i o . c o m