Tail Boom, Pushrods
& Radio Installation
To prevent excess weight we suggest using “Z” bends at both
ends of the pushrod wire.
Balance Point
The completely assembled glider must balance level when
raised at the marked “C.G” point under the wing roots, a toler-
ance of 2mm back and forward from the marked position is
It is important that the glider is balanced properly. Balance the
back from the leading edge of the wing at the
center section.
Installation of V-tail
Control Horns
1. Find the control horns. Cut the backplate from the horns, use
them as templates to mark placement of the holes.
2. Drill holes for the horn locating pins.
3. Mount the horns securing them with the backplates. Use a small
dab of epoxy or CA to permanently secure the horns in their posi-
tions. PHOTO 19
4. Once proper radio position has been find,lize,
glue the boom in place using 5 Minute Epoxy.
Look along the fuselage from the nose while the glue is still soft,
and rotating tail boom align tail with the wing very carefully before
epoxy cures.
5. Glue the pushrod housings to the inside of the fuselage pod in
one or two spots.
6. Place the control surfaces and radio gear in neutral. Make “Z”
bends in the pushrod wires ends, then connect the pushrods to the
servo arms.
Now mount the servos inside the pod.
7. Before flight, double check balance and control throw direction
for free and proper movement.
8. Try some hand launches and straight glides over a grass field
before high launching the glider. This is a good time to adjust con-
trol throws and final balance.
Starting control throws:
AILERONS: 15mm UP, 10mm DOWN, 17 - 26mm CROW
SPOILERON: 26mm UP (break)
FLAPS: 7mm TOWING, 20 - 26mm CROW
ELEVATORS : 8 degrees in each direction
RUDDER: 7 - 12 degrees
1. Clean the joiner tip of the fuselage pod with sand paper.
Trial fit the boom with the pod and check the aligment.
2. Install the elevator and rudder pushrod housings and pushrods.
Once the pushrod placement is finalized, glue the housing tubes
with epoxy inside the boom to prevent flexing.
Do not attach the housings inside the fuselage pod yet.
3. Trial connect the boom to the pod, then fit your radio gear in the
pod to find the best placement.
Try to position your radio components far forward to achieve proper
balance and to minimize use of nose weight. Use glider drawing as
a starting point. PHOTO 21
14. If everything fits, remove the V-tail and enlarge the two holes
and place in the two nylon retainers. Use a small dab of epoxy or
CA to permanently secure the retainers in their positions.
Serenity v.11/2005