To remove lens: Rotate follow–focus “butterflies” up. Grasp by footage ring. Squeeze locking levers
and gently pull lens away. When using less than three lenses, always plug the empty port(s) to avoid
a light leak to the aperture.
Motors: Motors are interchangeable. Inching knob is at the back of the motor(s). Governor–controlled,
constant speed motor does not run in reverse. Variable speed motor can run in either forward or
reverse. Change direction (forward/reverse) by rotating large knurled knob at back of motor. Rotate
clockwise for forward (FWD) and counter–clockwise for reverse (REV). To adjust variable speed motor,
rotate entire ribbed motor shell clockwise for fast, counterclockwise for slow. The motor–speed scribe
marks are for reference only. Correct fps speed is obtained by observing the tachometer and rotating
the ribbed motor shell for the desired speed.
Speed is continuously variable from 2 fps to 48 fps. To shoot at speeds faster than 24 fps, motor must
be “brought up to speed.” Start running at 24 fps and rotate slowly until desired speed is verified by
looking at the tachometer. Make sure to calculate correct exposure for the speed you have chosen.
Tachometer shows speed only in FWD (forward) position. To film in any given fps in reverse, first run
camera in FWD position. Verify speed on tachometer. Stop. Turn large knurled knob on back of motor
to REV (reverse) position. Turn camera on to film in reverse. Footage and frame counters are on
right–hand side of camera and must be manually reset.
To mount either motor, rotate motor lock lever counterclockwise. Match cylinder locating pin with
keyway (approximately at 7 o’clock position). Insert motor into motor cavity until fully engaged.
Rotate locking lever clockwise. To remove motor, loosen locking lever counterclockwise and pull
motor straight out.
On/off switch is on door/cover of camera. Push lever down until it locks into place to turn camera on.
Depress lock release forward of the lever to turn camera off.
These motors are powered by on 8 volt battery. Other motors for animation/time lapse or for sync may
be rented at rental houses. Caution: when camera is running, do not obstruct inching knob rotation.
Make sure that nothing comes in contact with it.
Battery: Powered by an 8 volt battery pack or belt; will run approximately 1200 ft./366m of film.
Recharge for 14 hours (not more). No battery check. Power cable: the male end of the cable (two
pins) is inserted into the battery. Pin (positive) is inserted in red socket of battery. Plug
other end into rear of camera base (left of motor). A latch above the socket (not all models) engages
a rubber catch on the female plug and holds it in place and at the proper polarity. Positive (+) is the
left pin, closest to door.
Magazines: Camera takes internal 100 ft./30m daylight loading spool. External 400 ft./122m ARRI–S
magazine mounts on top of camera and requires a detachable torque motor, which is capable of run-
ning in forward and reverse.