ALEXA 35 SUP 1.0.3 Release Notes
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All data subject to change without further notice.
Post Production
Look Intensity of Looks saved in the ARRI Reference Tool are shown as 100% in camera
When exporting a look with a modified intensity from the ARRI Reference Tool the camera shows Look Intensity as
100%, regardless of the setting used in the ARRI Reference Tool. The Look will however be visually at the intensity set
in ART. Workaround: Always export looks at 100% Look Intensity in ART and modify the intensity in camera.
Metadata: LDS Focus Limit is always metric
If the focus unit is set to imperial, lensLimitsFocusImperial is filled with the metric value without conversion. In this
case lensLimitsFocusMetric is unavailable.
Jam Sync Timecode offset of 1 frame when using ES
When using Enhanced Sensitivity Mode, the Jam Sync timecode is offset by one frame.
The ALE file does not identify fractional CC values in clips
In the ALE file fractional values of the white balance are not recorded. They are correct in the clip metadata and in the
ARRI Reference Tool
Remote Control
Lists may appear empty on Web Remote when Display Style is Night
When the display style has been set to 'Night', some dropdown lists in certain OS/Browser combinations may appear
empty (e.g. Windows with Chrome). Either switch to a different browser or set the display style to 'Day'.
Side Display shows 'Installing Version 0.0.0'
Until the Update process has read back the version that is being installed on the camera the side display will display
'Installing Version 0.0.0'. With slow USB sticks it may take up to 20 seconds until the correct version is displayed.
Camera shows 'Media firmware not supported' after update
Sometimes after a drive has been updated the Alert 'Media firmware not supported' is still shown in the Alert screen.
The Media info page will however show the correct firmware version.
Side Display backlight stays on after display has been deactivated
When sending the side display to sleep by pushing the jog wheel for a long time or by setting the display mode to
'sleep', the backlight stays on for some time.
"Go to" Lens Mount Update links to empty page
If the lens mount is not up to date the camera offers a popup that includes a link to the relevant menu item. This link
is not functional. To update the Lens mount go to MENU > SYSTEM > UPDATE > UPDATE LENS MOUNT
Rear status LED is off
The rear status LED above the power button currently has no function. It will represent the camera state in future
Errors #41, #80 and/or #232 after Reboot
On rare occasions, during the boot process, either when powering the camera up or when rebooting, the camera
might show the following alerts:
“Sensor error occurred. Please reboot camera. (#41)” and/or
“Camera hardware problem occurred. Please try rebooting or contact service. (#80)” and/or
“Camera is not able to read one or more critical sensors. Please try rebooting or contact service. (#232)”
These alerts do not actually indicate a sensor or a hardware problem. Instead, the camera gets tripped up during the
boot process, possibly because of a slow USB stick, and misinterprets the resulting errors. Rebooting the camera twice
will resolve the issue.
Long boot up times
In rare cases the camera may hang momentarily or permanently when changing sensor modes, rebooting, or
performing a factory reset. Restart the camera manually in this case.
Auto white balance window sticky when not executed