3645A Programmable Power Supply
Fig. 4-14 Fig. 4-15
1) Using the rotary button: Move the mouse to the icon and then rotate the button.
2) Using the keyboard: Select the “A” button, enter the data and then select the “OK” button.
Explanation: User to do this set must have the authority above the “General”.
For the security of the system, the manager must set a login user name and a password for each operator. (This
can only be done by the manager.)
Select the button and the interface as shown in Fig. 4-16 will be displayed.
Fig. 4-16 Users Manage
1.) Append User
Select the page key “APPEND” and the user type (generally is “General”). Enter the user’s name (cannot be
blank) and the password twice (must be the same) and then click “OK”.
Explanation: “General” is the general user; “Lowest” is the user of the lowest limit of authority.
2.) Modify the User’s Name and Password
In Fig. 4-17, select the user name and enter the password. Then enter a new user name (cannot be blank)
and a new password twice (must be the same). After the entering, press “OK”.
Fig. 4-17 Modify the Password and the Name
Explanation: The user “Lowest” is retained by the system and cannot be modified.
3.) Query User(s)
Select the page key “USER(S)”, the dialogue frame as shown in Fig. 4-18 will be displayed.
4.10 Users’ Manage