Arlo VMC2020 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 46


Essential Camera 



User Manual 




If you said no on an iOS device, uninstall the app, wait for a day, and then reinstall it, and 
allow notifications. If you 

don’t want to wait a day before you reinstall the app, you can use 

the system clock on your device to simulate a day. Set the system clock forward a day or 
more, turn your device off, and then turn the device back on. After you reinstall the app, return 
the system clock to the correct setting. 

Содержание VMC2020


Страница 2: ...evice to a2 4 GHzWiFi networkduring setup 10 Move yourcamera sWiFiconnection to aSmartHub orbase station 11 Move your camera sWiFi connection to a direct router connection 12 3 Camera Basics 14 View yourcamera feeds 15 Foresight 15 Record clips from live video 16 Take a snapshot from live video 16 Talk and Listen 16 Turn the camera on and off 16 Turn the camera siren on and off 17 Customize your c...

Страница 3: ... Change Your Settings 32 Two step verification 32 Use face or fingerprint authentication 33 Customize your profile 34 Change yourArlo password 35 Reset aforgotten password 35 Grant accessto friends 36 Change thetime zone 38 Camera settings 38 Customize the camera settings 41 Adjust theflicker setting 41 View device information 42 Remove a device from your account 42 6 Troubleshooting 43 Troublesho...

Страница 4: ...gawebbrowser Ifyou reusingacomputer enterhttps my arlo com loginintheaddressbarofthebrowser Afterinstallation youcanusetheArloapptoviewyourcamerafeed customizealertsand notifications create schedules for your cameras and more Charge your camera A USB charging cable came in the box with your camera This cable is for indoor use only 1 Connect the USB charging cable to your camera 2 Connecttheotheren...

Страница 5: ...tblinking blue The camera paired with a WiFi network Blinkingamber Thecameraisoutofrange aconnectionerroroccurredduringpairing or thecamerabatterychargeislow 15 orless Alternatingblueandamber ThecamerafailedtopairwiththeWiFinetwork ora firmware update is in process or a reset is in process Wallmountyourcamera Your camera comes with a mount and a screw kit 1 Placethemountandsecureitwithscrews Ifyou...

Страница 6: ...tings Video Mode 5 Tapa field of viewto automatically applyit to yourcamera Position your camera to detect motion in specific areas Youcanmountandaimyourcameraindifferentwaystooptimizethecamera sabilityto detectmotion in specific areas The lowertwo thirds ofthe camera sfield of viewisthe motion sensitivepartoftheimage Aimthecamerasothatanymotionyouwishtodetect appearswithinthispartoftheimage If yo...

Страница 7: ...ilableonlywhenthecameraisnotstreaming recordingmotion or usingtheMotionDetectiontest Duringcamerapositioning thecamerastreamsvideoasfast aspossible withoutbuffering Youcanaimyourcamerawhilewatchingonyoursmartphone andmakingnearreal timeadjustmentstothecameraposition Thismeansthatyoumight seelower qualityvideowhileyouarepositioningyourcamera To position your camera 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings My...

Страница 8: ...d 7 Edittheruleforyourcameratoenterthemotionsensitivitylevelthatyouwanttouse See Change motion sensitivity on page 23 Arm your camera to detect motion Youcontrolwhenyourcameradetectsmotionandtherulesitusestorecordandalertyou byselectingamode TheArloappcomeswithfourmodes Armed Disarmed Schedule and Geofencing You can customize each mode and you can also create custom modes For information about how...

Страница 9: ...40orbasestationVMB4500orVMB4000 Use remote access for SmartHubs VMB5000 and VMB4540 Afteryouinstallandsetupyourcamera youcanmoveitsWiFiconnectionfromyourrouter toaSmartHuborbasestation Youcanalsomoveyourcamera sWiFiconnectionfroma SmartHuborbasestationandconnectitdirectlytoyourrouter s2 4GHzWiFiband Todo this youmust remove the device from youraccountand reinstallthrough the Arloapp selectingtheap...

Страница 10: ...ringsetup connectyourphonetoyour2 4GHzWiFinetwork thenconnectyour camera to that same 2 4 GHz WiFi network Findyour2 4GHzWiFinetworknameandpassword Your phone might connect to your 5 GHz WiFi network most of the time If you re not sure about how to find the 2 4 GHz WiFi network LookonyourWiFirouterlabel ManyroutershavealabelthatshowstheWiFinetworkname whichisalsocalledanSSID Your2 4GHznetworknamem...

Страница 11: ...k your device and tap Settings 2 TapNetwork Internet Wi Fi 3 TurnonWiFibytappingUseWiFiatthetop 4 Selecta2 4GHzWiFinetwork This is commonly indicated by a 2 2 4 or 2G at the end of the network name 5 Ifprompted enterthepasswordforthenetwork When you re connected to the WiFi network the word Connected appears under the network name Moveyourcamera sWiFiconnectiontoa SmartHuborbasestation Youcanchang...

Страница 12: ...iconnectiontoadirect router connection Youcanchangeyourcamera sWiFiconnectionfromaVMB5000 VMB4540 VMB4500 or VMB4000 SmartHub or base station and connect the camera directly to your router s 2 4 GHz WiFi network Note Whenyouconnectyourcameradirectlytoyourrouter youcan tusethecamerato triggeranArloChimeorothercameras andyoucan tstoreArlorecordingstoalocalstorage deviceinaSmartHuborbasestation To mo...

Страница 13: ...tions 13 User Manual 5 Scroll down andtapRemove Device Your device is reset and removed from your account 6 From My Devices tap Add New Device Camera Essential Camera 7 FollowtheArloappinstructionstoconnectyourcameradirectlytoa2 4GHzWiFi network ...

Страница 14: ...on and off Number of new recordings Taptoviewdevicesettings forthecamera Tap Play to begins streaming this camera SmartHub or Base Station settings TapabuttontogotoDevices Library Modes or Settings Camera icon Located below each camera feed Camera feed icon Tapthecamerafeedtodisplay these icons Battery charge Play Stop WiFi signal from the SmartHub Mute the audio Motion detection is on Talk and Li...

Страница 15: ...ecordedvideofromyourArlolibrary A full screen view displays 4 Topanandzoomusingamobiledevice Pinch to zoom inand out of the video Touchanddragtomovearoundthezoomed inframe 5 Topanandzoomusingacomputer Click the Zoom icon Useyourmousetomovearoundtheframe Foresight Whenpluggedinusingtheindoororoutdoormagneticchargingcable yourcamerarecords continuously butdiscardsthevideoafterthreesecondsifnomotioni...

Страница 16: ...the camera feed image 3 Tap Snapshot The snapshot is saved in your library TalkandListen The camera includes a microphone that allows you to talk and listen 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap the camera feed image 3 Tapthemicrohoneicon 4 ThefirsttimeyouuseTalkandListen allowArlotouseyourphone smicrophone 5 Tapthemicrophonebutton Two way audio automatically opens allowing you to use Talk and Listen Turn the ca...

Страница 17: ...e Siren If you have multiple cameras you are prompted to select one 4 Swipethesirenicontotheright The camera siren turns on 5 Toturnoffthesiren taptheslideratthetopoftheDevicespage Customize your camera feed image Ifyouusemorethanonecamera youcanchangetheorderinwhichthecamerafeedsdisplay on the Devices page You can also zoom or rotate the camera feed image 180 degrees Change the camera order 1 Ope...

Страница 18: ...rotate the image Motiondetectionactivityzones Youcandesignatezoneswithinthecameraviewwhereyouwantthecameratodetectand record motion Addanactivityzone 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Selectthe camera 4 Under VIDEO tap Activity Zones 5 Tap An activity zone box displays in the camera feed image 6 Movethezonetothedesiredpositioninthecamerafeedimage 7 Torepositionthezone tapandholdthezonean...

Страница 19: ...entheArloapp 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Selectthe camera 4 Under VIDEO tap Activity Zones 5 Tapazonetoselectit 6 Delete the device On an iOS device slide the motion detection zone to the left and tap Delete On an Android device slide the motion detection zone to the left View recordings and snapshots Yourcamerastoresrecordingsandsnapshotsinthelibrary Youcanusethefilterandthe calendertofindandviews...

Страница 20: ...eindicatestheselectedday Agreendotbelowthedateindicateseachdayon whichavideoclipwasrecorded 3 Tapahighlighteddate Recordingsfromthatdatedisplaybelowthecalendar Use the filter You can use the filter to find and view recordings based on criteria that you select 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Library 3 TapFilterintheupperleftcornerofthepage 4 Tapthe filtering criteria that you want to use 5 Tap Done Turnofft...

Страница 21: ...arecording 4 Tap Favorite Share recordings 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Library 3 Tap arecording 4 Tap Share 5 Share thefile Donate recordings for research You can donate video or snapshot files to Arlo to use for research and development of Arlo products 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Library 3 Tap arecording 4 Tap Donate 5 TapOKtoconfirm Delete recordings 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Library ...

Страница 22: ...CameraBasics 22 User Manual Essential Camera DRAFT 3 Tap arecording 4 Tap Delete 5 TapOKtoconfirm ...

Страница 23: ...Detection is off for this camera Schedule Managedetectionbasedonaschedule Geofencing You can arm disarm or resume a schedule mode when you arriveat orleave agivenlocationbasedonyourmobiledevicelocation You can customize the Armed and Schedule modes and you can add new modes You can create different modes for the same camera but the camera can only use one mode at a time Selectamode You can select ...

Страница 24: ...resume To unmute notifications 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings MuteNotifications Unmute The Mute Notifications status changes to Off Rules for modes Each mode uses one or more rules to control your Arlo system You can set these options Trigger device The trigger device is the camera that detects motion or sound You can adjustthemotionandsoundsensitivitytominimizefalsealarms Actiondevice Theactionde...

Страница 25: ...ertospecifythesettings clickSave Automatically stop recording when motion stops 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Mode 3 Selectyour camera 4 TapEdit nexttothemode 5 UnderThendothefollowing tapEdit next to Record video 6 SelectRecorduntilactivitystops upto300sec Control whether the turns on when motion isdetectedatnight Unless you changeditssettings yourcamera automatically turns on its when it detects motion...

Страница 26: ...u will stop receiving push notifications 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Mode 3 Selectyour camera 4 TapEdit nexttothemode Note The Disarmed mode does not send alerts 5 UnderAlert tapPushNotificationtoturnalertsonandoffforyourmobiledevice 6 UnderAlert tapEmailAlertstoturnemailnotificationsonandoff 7 To specify an email address tap Edit nexttoEmailAlertsandentertheemailaddress Schedule your camera rules You ...

Страница 27: ...m 8 Tap Done Editaschedule 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Mode 3 Selectyour camera 4 Tap Schedule 5 Tap Edit next toSchedule 6 Tapa green box 7 ChangethestartandstoptimesandtapSave Set up ArloGeofencing Geofencingisavirtualfencearoundalocationcalledazone YoucanuseArloGeofencingto arm disarm orresumeschedulemodeswhenyourmobiledeviceisinzoneoroutofzone Tosetupgeofencing youmustuseyourmobiledeviceandallowthe...

Страница 28: ...ce meets these conditions WiFiisturnedon GPS or location services are turned on Prepareyourmobiledeviceforgeofencing 1 Enable GPS or location services so that Arlo can locate your device 2 Enable WiFi 3 DownloadtheArloappandloginoneachmobiledevicethatyouplantoenablefor geofencing ForArloGeofencingtoworkonyourdevice youmustadjustthesettingsonyourAndroidor iOS mobile device as follows Android device...

Страница 29: ...edmobiledevice youmightbeaskedtoselectanArlo devicetoconnectitto 10 Toselectthepreferredmobiledevice tapthedeviceandthentapNext 11 Tap Save For troubleshooting tips see Troubleshoot Arlo Geofencing on page 43 Geofencingwithmultiplemobiledevices Arlo Geofencing works with multiple mobile devices Arlousesthefirst in last outprincipaltomanagehouseholdswheremorethanoneperson usesgeofencing Ifeveryonel...

Страница 30: ...ding devices see Enable or disable geofencing for friends mobile devices on page30 Requiredwhenyourfriendwantstoparticipateingeofencing Yourfriendisloggedinto theArloapponhisorhermobiledeviceandtheGPSorlocationserviceisenabledonyour friend s mobile device Enableordisablegeofencingforfriends mobiledevices 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Mode 3 Selectyour camera 4 TapEdit next to Geofencing 5 Tap EnabledDevi...

Страница 31: ...lect the trigger device and tap Next This is the camera that detects motion and or sound 7 Enter the trigger device settings for the When motion is detected section and then tap Next 8 UsetheslidertosetthemotionsensitivityforthetriggerdeviceandtapNext Highermotionsensitivitysettingsusuallytriggeryourcameratocapturevideosmore frequently 9 Select an action device and tap Next ThisistheArlodevicethat...

Страница 32: ...snotaffected Tosigninwithtwo stepverification youmustfirstenteryouremailaddressandpassword Then you must authenticate your identity with a security code delivered by SMS text messageoremail orconfirmationfromanalreadytrusteddevice Requiringtwopiecesof informationhelpstopreventanyunwantedlogin evenifsomeonehasyourArloaccount password Pushnotification WhensomeoneattemptstologintoyourArloaccountonane...

Страница 33: ...file LoginSettings Two StepVerification 4 To add a phone number tap Add SMS Verification and enter the phone number 5 Toaddatrusteddevice tapAddTrustedDevice Remove a phone number or device from two step verification 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Settings 3 IntheACCOUNTsection selectProfile LoginSettings Two StepVerification 4 Tapthetrashcaniconnexttoaphonenumberortrusteddevice Usefaceorfingerprint authe...

Страница 34: ...ouchID to the right on or left off Turn face authentication on and off for the Arlo app 1 Enable Face ID authentication on your iPhone 2 OpentheArloapp 3 Tap Settings 4 In the ACCOUNT section select Profile Login Settings 5 SlidethetoggleFaceIDtotheright on orleft off Customizeyourprofile You can enter your name add a profile photo and home address and opt in or opt out of Arlo news and support up...

Страница 35: ...veatthebottomofthepage Change your Arlopassword You can change your password in the Arlo app or by logging in to my arlo com 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Settings 3 In the ACCOUNT section select Profile Login Settings 4 Enter your oldpassword 5 Enteranewpasswordandthenconfirmit 6 TapChangePassword Your new password is saved Reset a forgotten password If you forgot your Arlo password you can reset it wit...

Страница 36: ...gsandfeaturesofyour Arlo account You can select which cameras friends can see and what administrative rights are availabletothem Friends without access rights can Playandviewlibrarycontent View livefootage Zoomanddragvideofootage Control brightness Enter full screenview Friends who are granted access rights can also Play and pause video footage Record videofootage Mute thespeaker Access and change...

Страница 37: ...teanArloaccount Thisfriend sname isdisplayedwiththestatusPending Whenthefriendacceptsyourinvitation thestatus changesto Accepted Edit a friend s accessprivileges 1 OpentheArloapp 2 Tap Settings 3 UnderACCOUNT tapGrantAccess A list of your friends displays with the status of their accounts 4 Tapthefriend andtapEdit 5 Tap cameras to select or deselect them 6 Tap Allow Access Rights Selecting AllowAc...

Страница 38: ... view or change the settings for each camera using either of these methods TapSettings MyDevicesandselectthecamera TaptheMenuicon ortheDeviceSettingsicon below the camera feed Change the camera name 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Tap thecamera 4 TapEdit nexttothecameraname 5 Enteranewnamethatremindsyouofthecamera slocation suchasGarageorFront Door Camera names are limited to 32 charac...

Страница 39: ... off and on If you re using a mobile device your settings are saved 6 Ifyou reusingacomputer clickSave Changethevideoqualityandbatteryusage You can set the video resolution as Best Video Optimized or Best Battery Life Using the Best BatteryLifesettingreducestheWiFibandwidththatisrequired 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Tap thecamera 4 Tap Video Settings PowerManagement 5 TaptoselectBes...

Страница 40: ... 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Tap thecamera 4 Tap Video Settings Low Light Settings 5 Tap Night Vision 6 Ifyou reusinganAndroiddevice taptheslider Turn AutoHDRonandoff 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Tap thecamera 4 Tap Video Settings 5 Tap AutoHDR If you re using an Android device tap the slider Changethecameraaudiosettings You can adjust the settings to reduce wind noise turn the micro...

Страница 41: ... behavior andbrightness Turnthe onandoff You can turn the on and off at any time from the camera feed by tapping SeeTurnthe onandofffromthecamerafeedonpage15 Youcanalsocontrolwhetherthe comesonautomaticallywhenyourcameradetects motion atnight 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Tap thecamera 4 Tap Video Settings Low Light Settings 5 Tap The setting togglesoffandon When the setting issetto ...

Страница 42: Viewdeviceinformation You can view the firmware version hardware version and the serial number 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Tap thedevice 4 Tap Device Info Removeadevicefromyouraccount 1 OpentheArloapp 2 TapSettings My Devices 3 Tap thecamera 4 Scroll down andtapRemove Device ...

Страница 43: ... Arlo Geofencing To use Arlo Geofencing disable any apps that suppress theArloapp Geofencingforyourmobiledeviceonyourfriend sArloaccountisn tworking Ifyou reafriendonsomeoneelse sArloaccount yourmobiledevicecanonlychange Home AwaymodesiftheArloaccountownerdoesthefollowing TurnontheAllow Access Rightssetting SeeGrantaccesstofriendsonpage34 Set your device as an Enabled Devicein Geofencingsettings S...

Страница 44: ...of range MakesurethatyourcameraiscloseenoughtoreceiveastrongWiFisignal Therangeof yourrouter sWiFisignalcanvarydependingontheroutermodelandconditionsinyour localenvironment IfyoupairyourcameratoanoptionalArloSmartHuborbasestation werecommendthatyouplacethecameranofartherthan300feet 90meters fromthe SmartHuborbasestation Therangemightbelessifmetalobjectsorthickwallsandceilings arebetweenacameraandt...

Страница 45: ... disabled on iOS and Android devices 1 Tapthe Settings icon for your iOS device 2 Tap Notifications Arlo 3 MakesurethatAllowNotificationisselected Check the Arlo app notification settings on an Android device MakesurethatyouallowtheArloapptoreceivepushnotifications TheArloapppush notifications can be disabled on iOS and Android devices 1 Tap the Settings icon for your Android device 2 Tap Applicat...

Страница 46: ... and then reinstall it and allow notifications If you don t want to wait a day before you reinstall the app you can use the systemclock on your device tosimulatea day Set the system clock forward a day or more turnyourdeviceoff andthenturnthedevicebackon Afteryoureinstalltheapp return thesystemclocktothecorrectsetting ...

Страница 47: ...efore connecting the power supply FCC ID 2APLE18300409 IC ID 23815 18300409 CANICES 3 B NMB 3 B Federal Communication Commission InterferenceStatement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuanttopart15oftheFCCRules Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation This equipm...

Страница 48: ...sequipmentshouldbeinstalledandoperatedwithaminimumdistanceof 20centimetersbetweentheradiatorand yourbodyornearbypersons Industry Canada statement This device complies with Industry Canada license exempt RSSs Operation is subject to the following two conditions 1 This device may not cause interference and 2 This device must accept any interference including interference that may cause undesired ope...

Страница 49: ... environment Thisequipmentshouldbeinstalledandoperatedwithminimumdistance20cm betweentheradiator yourbody Déclaration d exposition aux radiations Cetéquipementestconformeauxlimitesd expositionauxrayonnementsICétabliespourun environnementnoncontrôlé Cetéquipementdoitêtreinstalléetutiliséavecunminimumde 20cmdedistanceentrelasourcederayonnementetvotrecorps ...
