Avon Protection
12 DAS775571AA Version 9, December 2015
GR 13313 CR121804
Used for checking for hot spots after the fire is out.
A white-hot grey scale, expanded to cover the dynamic range of the scene. Red
colourisation is added to the hottest 2% scene, regardless of absolute temperature.
Yellow colourisation is added to the next hottest 5% of the scene regardless of
absolute temperature.
Where there is no significantly warmer area, no red or yellow shows.
The colour reference bar has no temperature scale.
Range °C
Range °F
Hottest 2%
Next hottest 5%
-40°C - 760°C (Mi-TIC E)
600°C – 1100°C (Mi-TIC)
600°C – 1100°C (Mi-TIC S)
-40°F - 1400°F (Mi-TIC E)
1100°F – 2000°F (Mi-TIC)
1100°F – 2000°F (Mi-TIC S)
This function is part of the TI BASIC PLUS operational format (see 3.10)