Argus C3 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 34

Содержание C3

Страница 1: ...s good design NOTE Shutters such os the Synchro Compur 00 MXV ond the Prontor SVS qre exomples of modulor shutters thot is shutters mode byo single monufociurer which moy be used on comeros of mony different mokes In controst to the modulor shutter the BUILT lN SHUTTER is integrolwiththecomero itself ond os such is unique to the porticulor comero in which it is used Built in shutters moy be extrem...

Страница 2: service ond quite dependoble three foctors which contributed to moking ihe Argus C 3 one of the most populor 35mm comeros ever designed R ELEASE BUTTON RANGEF INDER DISC SETT ING LEVER FILM WIND KNOB FIGURE 2 SPEED KNOB ARGUS C 3 RANGEF INDER WINDOW VIEWF INDER WINDOW FIGURE 3 FRONT PLATE POSITIONS The Argus C 3 hos two controls in oddition to the setting ever ond the releose button One of thes...

Страница 3: ...l 300 second 7 1 125 second 6 l 60 second 5 l 30 second 4 1 10 second REMOVING THE FRONT PLATE IN THE ARGUS C 3 The front plote ossemblies of the vorious Argus C 3 comeros vory only slightly ln the older models the setting lever is held by o setscrew Just loosen the setscrew ond unscrew the setting lever in o counterclockwise direction But the setting lever setscrew is eliminoted in the loter mode...

Страница 4: ... covered by the cemented colibrotion plote But in other models the screw is visible ond there s olwoys o temptotion to remove on exposed screw The speed com which controls the movement of the retord section is ottoched to the bock side of the speed knob So by removing the screw you lose the timing between the speed knob ond ihe speed com You con however see the properspeed com timing in f igures 7...

Страница 5: ...efinder window Fig 6 Remove oll of the flot heoded screwswhich hold the frontplote Then corefully lift off the front plote be coreful youdon tdropouttheCAM FOLLOWER which remoins wiih the front plote Fig 7 FRONT PLATE SCREW FIGURE 6 CAUTION The front once you ve removed lens to prevent loss or covity to the right of lens for theeyepiece moy be loose the front plote lf so lift out the domoge the le...

Страница 6: FIGURE 8 SHUTTER SET TO l 10 SECOND 4 ON MATCHMATIC You ll notice thot thecomfol lower is otits highest position when the comero is set to thefostest shutterspeed l 300 second Fig 7 And the com fol lower is ot its lowest position when the shutter is set to the slowest shutterspeed lrll0second Fig 8 ...

Страница 7: ...CRANK FIGURE To cock the shutter rotote the moin lever in o counterclock wise direction with your finger os shown in figure 10 The moin lever is then lotched in the cocked position bythe lowerend of the RELEASE PLUNGER Fis I l FRONT LENS FOR EYEPIECE SITS IN THIS CAVITY COCKING ROTATION FIGURE 1O Depressing the releose button pushes the reIeose plungerdown to free the moin lever Now the moinspring...

Страница 8: ...g slower shutter speeds pushes the bell cronk in o clockwise direction the speed com pushes the com follower down ond the com follower in turn rototes the bell cronk Notice in figure ll thot o long WIRE LINK connects the bell cronk fo the RETARD LEVER in the speeds escopement ln its present position V OO second the retord lever holds the first geor segmenf in the speeds escopement owoy from the lo...

Страница 9: ...nusuol port of the whole design is the time ot which theretord is introduced ln othershutters werve discussed the blodesopen fully before the speeds escopement slows down the moin lever the escopement then holds the blodes fully open for the required length of time Yet in theArgus C 3 the moin leverstrikes thefirst geor segment iust os the blodesstort toopen So the retord is introducedduring the b...

Страница 10: ...nce from r the first geor segment f a uo FIGURE 13 To obtoin bulb oction rotote the releose button until its B colibrotion oligns wiih the index dot on the comero body Turning the releose button to B rototes the releose plunger to the poiition shown in figure 14 Now when you re leo se the shutier the blqdesopen to the full open position butthe flotted SPEEDS ESCAPEMENT SCREWS PIN ON F IRSI GEAR SE...

Страница 11: ...letes its rotoiion ond the shuttlecock moves post the lug on the blode operoting ring RELFA 5E PLUNGER BLOCKS MAIN LEVER HERE FIGURE 15 SHUTTER HELD OPEN ON BULB DISASSEMBLY OF THE ARGUS C 3 SHUTTER SHUTTER BLADE ASSEMBLY RETAINING SCREWS FIGURE 16 t2 Remove the shutter blode ossembly by toking out the three screws shown in figure 16 Now on ihe bock of the ossembly you con see the spring looded bl...

Страница 12: ...s time Fig 18 During the cocking cycle the pivoting oction of the spring looded SHUTTLECOCK LATCH Fig 18 ollows the lotch to byposs the blode operoting ring lug but on fhe releose cycle the shuttle cock lotch engoges the lug ond drives the blodes to the open position SHUTTLECOCK SHUTTLECOCK LATCH FIGURE 18 13 ...

Страница 13: ...eci the two tension springs the bell cronk spring ond the moinspring from the post on the comero body Fig 19 Remove the mqin leverby toking out the screw through its threoded post Fig 19 SPRING HOOKING POST RELEASE PLUNGER PIN SCREW RANGEFINDER MAIN LEVER SCREW SPEEDS ESCAPEMENT RETAINING SCREWS RELEASE PLUNGER DET E NT SETSCREW FIGURE 20 14 ...

Страница 14: ...ccentric beoring The eccentric beoring is pointed out in figure 21 i the screwr olso seen in figure 21 boih holds the odiustment of the eccentric beoring ond retoins the bell cronk To toke out the bell cronk remove the screw ond the eccentric beoring Now lifi out the bell cronk ond the wire link you ll hove to odiust ihe eccentric beoring on reossembly to time the shutter speeds BELL CRANK ECCENTR...

Страница 15: Before replocing the moin lever ond shuttlecock ossembly exomine the ioint between the shuttlecock ribbon ond the moin lever Fig 22 You con seethot theshuttlecockribbon issoldered within q slot in the body of the moin lever Replocing o broken shuttlecock ribbon is one of your more common repoirs in the Argus C 3 BODY OF MAIN LEVER SHUTTLECOCK RIBBON SOLDER JOINT r T i FIGURE 22 UNDERSIDE OF MAI...

Страница 16: ...o the hole in the retord lever As you seot the shutter blode ossembly moke sure the stud on the blode operoting ring is toword the topof the comero Then reploce the three retoining screws the Iong screw goes to the bottom of the shutter blode ossembly ADJUSTMENTS ON THE ARGUS C 3 MAIN LEVER We mentioned eorl ier thot the moin lever is o multiple com Actuolly the moin lever is in three seporote por...

Страница 17: ...ever to turn seporotely from the releose com Now while the releose cqm remoins held by the releose plunger ollow the body of ihe moin lever to roiote slowly clockwise until the blodes ore fully open then retighten the screws As the body of ihe moin lever turns clockwise the shuttle cock ribbon moves forther to the right ond thoi ollows the shuttlecock to open the blodes the odditionol omount The o...

Страница 18: ...l the contocts close when the blodes reoch the full open position REPLACING THE FRONT PLATE AND ADJUSTING When either the speeds escopement or the bell cronk hos been removed you must reodiust the shufter speeds Strip bock the leotherette from the Iower right hond cornerof the front plote to reveol the inspection disc Fig 24 By removing the inspection disc you con reoch the eccentric beoring on th...

Страница 19: lever to l0 30 o cloc Ftg 25 While holding the setting lever in position use o thin heoded wrench to turn the ioT nut clockwrse until the iom nut is tightogoinst fhe underside of the setting lever FIGURE 25 LEVER You cqn now moke o foirlyoccuroteodiustmentof the speeds by iust listening to the retordoction At the fostest shutterspeed there should be no retord oction ond there should be iust o t...

Страница 20: ... bell cronk lever eccentric When you re sure everything is working properly recement the leotherette Pliobond o rubber bose cement works well for this purpose Applyo ihin filmof Pliobond to both surfoces the comero body ond the bock of the leotherette ond ollow the cement to dry until it is focky Be sure your cement is opplied evenly lumps of excessive cemenf con domoge certoin types of leotherett...

Страница 21: ...ob You con now lift off the wind knob seot ond the bross wind shoft with its compression spring Tokeoff the rewind knob byremoving itscenterscrew Now toke out the two screws holding the spoceroround the rewind shoft One screw holds the film counter diol Remove the screw ond lift off the diol the wosher ond compression spring sitting underneoth the film counter diol with the wosher on top of the sp...

Страница 22: ...the one remoining screw ond lift off the complete ossembly The idler geor which is now loose sits collor up over the post on the upper geor trqin mechonism plote NOTE Turnins thewind knob tocock theshutter rotoles the iprocket through the upper geor troin So with the wind knob removed you con cock the shutter iust by turning the sprocket You ll see how the sprocket cocks the shutter o little Ioter...

Страница 23: ...on on the ronge finder disc oligns with the index dot on the comero front plote Remove the retoining ring thot holds the focusing ring in ploce Now lift off the focusing ring You must peel bock the front leotherette on eoch side of the lens mount to reoch the fourscrews holding the comero froni plote ossembly You ll f ind however thot it s often diff icult to remove the leotherette without domoge ...

Страница 24: ...ig 31 As it moves the slide plote corries the idler geor out of engogement with the MAIN WIND GEAR Fig 31 So ihe sprocket turns freely in o clockwise direction os seen from the fop of fhe comero while you ore rewinding the fi lm into the 35mm cqssette To rewind the film iust lift up on the wind knob to dis engoge the upper geor troin ond turn the rewind knob in the direction of its orrow Fig 26 Yo...

Страница 25: ...e bottom of the moin drive column hooks the upper end of the moinspring Fig 32 MAINSPRING HOOKS TO THIS LUG ON MAIN DRIVE COLUMN MAINSPRING PAW FIGURE 32 The other lower end of the moinspring hooks within o notch in the WIND CAM Fig 32 And the wind com is ottqched to fhe moin wind geor the lorge bross geor we exomined eorl ier The spring looded powl mounted to the bottom of the shutter ossembly en...

Страница 26: different from thot shown in figure 33 lf you ll slowly rotote the sprocket in fhe cockingdirection Fig 30 you con see the moin drive co lumn iump sliohtly in the direction of the curved orrow in figure 33 this slight movement indicqtes thot the moin drive column is now in its reody position Let s follow through the cocking cycle to see how the moin drive column moves from its releosed position...

Страница 27: ...its tension by the lugon the moin drive column the some lug thot the releosed position lotch formerly engoged ond is now engoged by the inner releose I ever You con continue turning the sprocket in the film odvonce direction until the lower end of the tronsfer shoft blocks the lug on the wind cqm when the tronsfer shoft is pushed up by the wind com it comes into position to block the wind com ot t...

Страница 28: ...lode operoting rins is the LEAF LEVER Fi9 35 colled the TOGGLE PLATE bv Arous Notice thoi one end of the leof lever rides within t u cJ groouu in the moin drive column the other end of the leof lever engcrges the blode operoting ring THIS END OF LEAF LEVER ENGAGES FORKED TAB OF BLADE OPERATII rG RING THIS END OF LEAF LEVER RIDES IN CAM GROOVE IN MAIN DRIVE COLUMN FIGURE 35 As the moin drive column...

Страница 29: ...the position of the retord lever And the retord lever in turn controls the position of the spring looded tirst geor segment Notice thoi the speed com olso controls the position of the BULB LEVER Fig 37 At oll of the instontoneous speeds the speed com holds the lotching end of the bulb lever down owoy from the BULB LUG on the mqin drive column FIGURE 37 SHUTTER HELD OPEN ON BULB But ot the bulb set...

Страница 30: ...n ond the STAR WHEEL CAM iust below the contoct closing com control fhe sync deloy ond the contoct closure Fig 38 ACCESS HOLE FOR SYNC PALLET ECCENTRIC LOCKING SCREW SYNC PALLET STAR WHEEL CAM CONTACT CLOSING CAM FIGURE 38 ln the Argus C 4 you hove o choice between either M sync or X sync or in some models between F sync ond X sync you leorned the meoning of these terms in your lesson Complex Esco...

Страница 31: ...elwings to its lefi underitsowntension to strike the fixed X contoct once the blodes ore fully open At the lost degree of moin drive column rototion the sync com pushes the movoble contoct blode owoy from the f ixed X contoct to breok the X flosh sync circuit Even though both the M ond the X contocts close during every shutter operotion only one sync time is provided depending on the position of t...

Страница 32: ...exomple the mony individuol ports of the shutter blode ossembly ore loose ofter removing the screws So you must be very coreful during disossembly to note the positions of the individuol ports Loy thecomeroon yourworkbenchwith the lensmount focing you os in figure 40 Now remove the five screws pointed out in figure 40 be coreful thot you don t disturb the shutter blode ossembly LENS MOUNTING RING ...


Страница 34: ...remember keep the e ports in order for reossembly Figure 46olso points out the end of theleof leverthot engoges the forked tobon the blode operof ing ring sHUTTER BLADE MOUNTING RING FIGURE T4 BLADE OPERATING RING BRASS PLATE FIGURE T5 You con now see the five sPocers sitting within the holes in the felt pod Fig 47 lift ouf the five spocers to prevent oss 35 ...

Страница 35: ...n the leof lever ploteore e_l ongoted permitting o slidingodiustment for the leof lever we ll discuss this odiustment during reossembly There is olso on odiustmenf on the verticol posif ion of the moin drive column The moin drive column is mounted on two threoded pivots one ot either end By turning one Pivot out ond theother in you conchonge theverticol positionof the moin drive column Of course r...

Страница 36: ...dy position held by ihe inner releose lever Next releose the shutter by depressing the releose plunger The morn drive column then runs through its releose cycle ond lets off one turn of initiol tension Repeot this procedure untiI lhe moinspring connot turn the mqin drive column through its cycle thot is until there isn t enough tension left to turn the moin drive column Then use your finger to tur...

Страница 37: Now remove the two rongefinder retoining screws pointed oui in figure 49 notice fhot one of the screws olso holds the bross clip for the sync wires Finolly lift the complete rongefinder ossembly up ond off the comero body RANGEFINDER scREws FIGURE 49 Before you loosen fhe pivots try moving the moin drive column up ond down with your finger mentolly note the omounf of endploy you con feel On reo...

Страница 38: ... SCREW FOR LOWER MAIN DRIVE COLUMN PIVOT FIGURE 51 BOTTOM OF ASSEMBLY Looking through the cover screw hole locote the lower moin drive column pivot this pivot hos o left hond threod So turn the lower pivot ino clockwise direction until you con lift out the moin drive column ond the moinspring Figure 52 showing the moin drive column poinfs out the nome of eochlugond com lf you ll lookinto thecovity...

Страница 39: ...ProPer moinspring plocement in figure 35 Seot the upper end of the moin drive column first then swing the lower end into position Moke sure thot the upper end of the moinspring hooks behind the retord driving lug on the moin drive column The moin drive column should nowbe in the releosed position thot is with its lotching lug engoged by the releosed position lotch Next turn down the two pivots to ...

Страница 40: ...ockei You hove iust opplied two full turns of initiol tension to the moinspring Once ogoin turn the moin drive column clockwise until it is hela by the releosed position lotch ond depress the releose plunger You con nowcock ond releose theshutter in the normol monner Test the shutter operotion ot oll of the shutter speeds Then set the speed knob to ibulb cock ond releose the shutter but hold the r...

Страница 41: ...pocer ond cover blodes Ploce the sixth blode over the pins for the firsf blode ond ploce the seventh blodeoverthe pins for the second blode thot is iust stort overwith your clockwise rototion uniil you hove instolled oll of the shutter blodes Then position the five blode spocers over the screw holes You must be very coreful while seoting fhe second plote in position otherwise you con disturb the p...

Страница 42: ...tment moke sure the leof lever retoining screws ore snugly tight ADJUSTING THE SHUTTER SPEEDS IN THE ARGUS C 4 There ore two shutterspeed odiustment points in the Argus C 4 one is the omountof initiol tension on themoinspring ond the other is fhe position of the speed com Remember you con olter theomountof initioltension byfull turn increments Check the shutter operotion of 1 10 second the slowest...

Страница 43: ... com toword fhe speed knob To reoch the speed com odiustment point first toke off the speed knob by removing its center screw there s o compression spring under ihe speed knob Now locote the bross speed control d isc with its locking spline screw Fi9 53 By loosening the locking screw you con rotote the speed control disc ond thereby chonge the omount of reiord for the speeds of I l 00 second throu...

Страница 44: ...g M sync you find thot the deloy is too long the M sync deloy should be between 17 ond 19 milliseconds ln other words you must decreose the depth of sync pol let engogement First loosen the spline lockingscrew occessible through the holeobove thesync pollet Fig 38 Loosening the locking screw ollows you to turn the sync pollef eccentric Fig 50 And the sync pollet eccentric moves the sync pollet eit...

Страница 45: ...he ground gloss imogeofon infinity torget screw in the lensuntil the imoge isot its shorpest focus Without chonging the lens position roJqte the lens odiusting ring until the hole for the lens pin screw Fig 28 oligns ith the slot in the focusing ring Then reploce the lens pin screw ond tighten the three spline screws oround the lens odiusting ring The remoining reossembly procedure iust involves r...
