Argox PT-9130 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 250


PT-90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual


Code ID setting 

0: Disable * 

0x01 ~ 0x7F ASCII code(1 bytes) 


UPC/EAN General 

Supplements Required 

0: Disable * 

1: Enable 

Two Digit Supplements 

0: Disable * 

1: Enable 

Five Digit Supplements 

0: Disable * 

1: Enable 

Two Digit Redundancy 

0: Disable * 

1: Enable 

Five Digit Redundancy 

0: Disable * 

1: Enable 

GTIN Formatting 

0: Disable * 

1: Enable 


IATA 2 of 5 


0: Disable * 

1: Enable    See Note 5 

Code ID setting 

0: Disable * 

0x01 ~ 0x7F ASCII code(1 bytes) 




0: Disable * 

1: Enable 

Code ID setting 

0: Disable * 

0x01 ~ 0x7F ASCII code(1 bytes) 



0: Disable * 

1: Enable 




0: Disable * 

1: Enable 

Transmit Application ID 

0: Disable  

1: Enable * 

Transmit Check Digit 

0: Disable  

1: Enable * 

Transmit Symbology ID "]e0" 

0: Disable * 

1: Enable 


Содержание PT-9130

Страница 1: ...PT 9130 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual DOC NO UM PT905 01 July 2015 Version 2 0 2010 2012 ARGOXInformationCo Ltd http www argox com ...

Страница 2: ...GetBacklightStatus 16 PowerOnLCD 17 SetBacklightPWM 18 EnableT ouchPanel 19 GetT ouchPanelStatus 20 KEYPADRELA TEDFUNCTIONS 21 EnablePowerButton 21 GetKeypadAlphaMode 22 SendKbdVirtualKey 23 SetKeypadAlphaMode 24 LEDRELA TEDFUNCTIONS 25 GetKeypadLEDStatus 25 GoodReadLEDOn 26 KeypadLEDOn 27 QueryKeypadLEDIntensity 28 SetKeypadPWM 30 SYSTEMRELA TEDFUNCTIONS 31 CallSuspend 31 EnableAutoConnect 32 Reg...

Страница 3: 46 GetDiscoverMode 47 SetSPPService 48 GetSPPService 49 SetFTPService 50 GetFTPService 51 SetFTPWriteable 52 GetFTPWriteable 53 SetFTPShareFolder 54 GetFTPShareFolder 55 InitSearchBTDevice 56 FindNextBTDevice 57 EndSearchBTDevice 59 InitSearchFTPDevice 60 FindFirstFTPDevice 61 FindNextFTPDevice 63 PairDevice 65 UnPairDevice 66 GetComInfo 67 ConnectDevice 69 GetConnectStatus 70 GetSPPClientChann...

Страница 4: ...89 GetDarkMode 90 SetInvert 91 GetInvert 92 GPRSRELA TEDFUNCTION 93 GPRS_On 93 GPRS_Off 94 GetGPRSPowerStatus 95 SendATCommand 96 GetATResponse 97 GetIMEINumber 98 GetIMSINumber 99 GetModuleInfo 100 GetSignalQuality 101 ConnectRAS 102 DisconnectRAS 103 GetRASConnStatus 104 CreateRASEntry 105 DeleteRASEntry 106 ChangeRASEntryName 107 ChangeRASEntryProperty 108 GetRASEntryProperty 109 GetRASEntryCou...

Страница 5: ... 129 ReadMultiSMS 130 WriteStorageSMS 132 SendStorageSMS 133 GetSMST otal 134 SetSMSCentre 135 GetSMSCentre 136 SMS_Register 137 SMS_UnRegister 138 GPS 139 BLUETOOTHSTRUCTURE 140 CONNECT_INFOStructure 140 FTP_FILEStructure 141 GPRSSTRUCTURE 142 RAS_ENTRYStructure 142 PHONEBOOK_INFOStructure 144 SMS_INFOStructure 145 RFID DLL 146 RFIDRELA TEDFUNCTION 148 OpenComPort 148 CloseComPort 149 GetFWV ersi...

Страница 6: ...raLightBlock 169 WriteUltraLightBlock 170 GetUid14443B 171 SRIX4KChipID 172 SRIX4KReadBlock 173 SRIX4KWriteBlock 174 RFIDREQUESTFLAGS 175 SRIX4KFLOWCHART 176 SCANAPIAX DLL 177 API_SCANRELA TEDFUNCTIONS 180 API_Register 180 API_Unregister 181 API_GetBarData 182 API_GetBarDataLength 184 API_GetBarType 185 API_GetError 186 API_GetSysError 187 API_GoodRead 188 API_LoadSettingsFromFile 189 API_Reset 19...

Страница 7: ...NKEYRELA TEDFUNCTIONS 210 EnableTriggerKey 210 GetLibraryV ersion 211 GetTriggerKeyStatus 212 PressTriggerKey 213 TriggerStatus 214 SCANSTRUCTURE 215 ScannerSettingStructure 215 GeneralSettingStructure 218 Code11_SettingStructure 219 Code39_SettingStructure 220 Code93_SettingStructure 221 Code128_SettingStructure 222 Codabar_SettingStructure 223 EAN8_SettingStructure 224 EAN13_SettingStructure 225...

Страница 8: SDK Programming Manual VIII Matrix25_SettingStructure 233 UEGeneral_SettingStructure 234 IATA25_SettingStructure 235 Trioptic_SettingStructure 236 RSS_SettingStructure 237 SCANCOMMANDTABLE 238 FUNCTIONRETURNV ALUES 246 ...

Страница 9: ...ctions one for the system related functions and the other for value added scanning functions with the following information Argox Mobile Computer standard Application Programming Interface API Definitions for system related functions Audio Display Keypad Led and Vibrator Indicators Battery Status System Settings Bluetooth WLAN Argox Scanning module Application Programming Interface API Definitions...

Страница 10: ...will use Visual Studio 2005 to illustrate Example 1 Using LIB file First programmer should include sysapiax lib in the application project include Sysapiax h main SetBacklightPWM 100 100 Example 2 Using DLL file HINSTANCE dllHandle NULL typedef DWORD _stdcall pfnSetBacklightPWM int nACPowerPercent int nBatteryPercent pfnSetBacklightPWM m_SetBacklightPWM main dllHandle LoadLibrary L SYSAPIAX dll m_...

Страница 11: ...ight Display_QueryBacklightIntensity Query back light intensity GetBacklightStatus Gets screen backlight status PowerOnLCD Turn ON or OFF the power of LCD SetBacklightPWM Adjusts screen back light brightness EnableTouchPanel ENABLE or DISABLE touch panel GetTouchPanelStatus Get touch panel status KeyPad Related Functions EnablePowerButton ENABLE or DISABLE Power button GetAlphaMode Get the current...

Страница 12: ...NREGISTER prompt message request for trigger key Vibrator Related Functions VibratorOn ON or OFF vibration indicator WLAN Related Functions WL_Enable Enable WLAN WL_Disable Disable WLAN BlueTooth Related Functions BT_On Enable Bluetooth BT_Off Disable Bluetooth SetDiscoverMode Enable Disable the terminal is discoverable GetDiscoverMode Query terminal discoverable status SetSPPService Enable Disabl...

Страница 13: ...vice PutFTPFile Send file to share folder in the connected device CreateFTPFolder Create a new folder to share folder in the connected device DeleteFTPFolder Delete folder from share folder in connected device DeleteFTPFile Delete file from share folder in connected device Camera Related Functions Camera_On Enable Camera Camera_Off Disable Camera SetPreviewSize Set preview window x axis coordinate...

Страница 14: ...EntryProperty Query RAS entry property GetRASEntryCount Query RAS entry count MenuRASEntries Menu all RAS entries and get specified entry name GetPINCounter Query still available count for entering the currently required password GetPINStatus Query current authentication code status SetPINLock Set PIN code lock or unlock GetPINLockStatus Query the PIN code lock status CheckPINCode Enter PIN code p...

Страница 15: ...ister Register the application to SYSAPIAX dll SMS_UnRegister Un register the application from SYSAPIAX dll Bluetooth Structure CONNECT_INFO Structure CONNECT_INFO Information used by ConnectDevice FTP_FILE Structure FTP_FILE Information used by FindFirstFTPFile and FindNextFTPFile GPRS Structure RAS_ENTRY Structure RAS_ENTRY Information used by CreateRASEntry ChangeRASEntryProperty and GetRASEntr...

Страница 16: ...s Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails thereturnedvalueis E_FUNC_ERROR Example DWORDdwResult dwV olume dwResult Audio_GetV olume dwV olume if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Audio_GetV olumefail else CStringstrTemp strTemp Format _T V olume d dwV olume AfxMessageBox strTemp Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysap...

Страница 17: ...99999999 ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails thereturnedvalueis E_FUNC_ERROR Example DWORDdwResult dwV olume dwV olume 0x11111111 dwResult Audio_SetV olume dwV olume if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Audio_SetV olumefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device ...

Страница 18: ReturnedV alues Thereturnedvaluecanbeoneofthevaluesinthetablebelow Returnvalue Description 0 batteryhigh 1 batterylow 2 batterycritical 3 batterycharging 4 nobattery 5 batteryunknown Example switch GetBatteryStatus case0 AfxMessageBox _T BatteryHigh break case1 AfxMessageBox _T BatteryLow break case2 AfxMessageBox _T BatteryCritical break ...

Страница 19: ...case3 AfxMessageBox _T BatteryCharging break case4 AfxMessageBox _T NoBattery break case5 AfxMessageBox _T BatteryUnknown break Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 20: ...lueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails thereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Remarks AfterthisactionturningONorOFFthescreenback light theback lightwillbealwaysONorOFF Theback light settingofdisplaypropertiesincontrolpaneldoesnotworkuntiltheterminalbeenreseted Example DWORDdwResult dwResult BacklightOn TRUE if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T BacklightOnfail Requirements OSV ers...

Страница 21: ...yBacklight Parameters lpdwACBacklight out Thebacklightintensityofexternalpower lpdwBatteryBacklight out Thebacklightintensityofbatterypower ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_NULLPTR Remarks Theparameterswillbeoneofthevaluesinthefollowingtable Backlightintensity Backlightbrightness 4 super 3 normal 2...

Страница 22: ...dwV alue2 if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Display_QueryBacklightIntensityfail else CStringstrTemp strTemp Format _T ACbacklightintensity d Batterybacklightintensity d dwV alue1 dwV alue2 AfxMessageBox strTemp Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 23: ... Thereturnedvalueindicateswhetherscreenback lightis 1 screenback lightisON or 0 screenback lightisoOFF Example DWORDdwResult dwResult GetBacklightStatus if dwResult 1 AfxMessageBox _T Backlighton else AfxMessageBox _T Backlightoff Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 24: ...lingthisfunctionwith bOn FALSE terminalwillonlyturnOFFtheLCDpower Itmeansthatterminal isstillworking Y oushouldeithercallthisfunctionagaintoturnONtheLCDpowerortoresetterminaltousethe terminalwiththeLCDscreenON Example DWORDdwResult dwResult PowerOnLCD FALSE poweroffLCD if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T PowerOnLCDfail Sleep 3000 dwResult PowerOnLCD TRUE poweronLCD if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCE...

Страница 25: ...25 micro 0 off ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Remarks TheBack lightSettingfunctionintheControlPanelsetsLCDscreenback lightbrightnesslevel Callingthis functionwillalsochangethebrightnesslevelinBack lightSetting Y oucanusethisfunctionorBack lightSetting functionintheControlPaneltoadjustba...

Страница 26: ...E ordisable FALSE thetouchpanel ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR Example DWORDdwResult EnableTouchPanel TRUE if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Enabletouchpanelfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 27: ...lue Touchpanelstatus 0 Touchpaneldisable 1 Touchpanelenable ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR Example BOOLbEnable DWORDdwResult GetTouchPanelStatus bEnable if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Gettouchpanelstatusfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapia...

Страница 28: ...ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Remarks IfthebOnparameterisFALSE thePOWERbuttonwillbeDISABLED ThePOWERbuttonwillnotwork whenbeenpressed Iftheterminalenterssuspendmode thePOWERbuttonwillworkonetimeonlytowakeup theterminal Whentheterminalwakesup thePOWERbuttonwillbeDISABLEDagainuntilthisfunctionbeen calledwithparameterTRUEtoENABLEthePOWERbutton Example DWORDdwResult dwResult EnablePowerButton FALSE if dwResu...

Страница 29: ... Returnvalue Alphamode 0 numericmode 1 lowercaselettermode 2 uppercaselettemode Example DWORDdwResult dwResult GetKeypadAlphaMode switch dwResult case0 AfxMessageBox _T Numericmode break case1 AfxMessageBox _T Lowercaselettermode break case2 AfxMessageBox _T Uppercaselettermode break Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Devic...

Страница 30: ... ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvalueis E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example CStringstrTemp strTemp VisualKey for inti 0 i strTemp GetLength i SendKbdVisualKey unsignedchar strTemp GetAt i Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 31: ...numericmode 1 lowercaselettermode 2 uppercaselettermode ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example DWORDdwResult dwResult SetKeypadAlphaMode 1 if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SetKeypadAlphaModefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysap...

Страница 32: ReturnedV alues Thereturnedvalueindicateswhetherkeypadback lightLEDisON TRUE orOFF FALSE Example BOOLbResult bResult GetKeypadLEDStatus if bResult TRUE AfxMessageBox _T KeypadLEDon elseif bResult FALSE AfxMessageBox _T KeypadLEDoff Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 33: ...goodreadLED ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example DWORDdwResult dwResult GoodReadLEDOn TRUE if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GoodReadLEDOnfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 34: ...UNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Remarks TheKeyPadLEDSettinginControlPanelisusedtosettheKeypadLEDoperationtomeetactualapplication requirements CallingthisfunctionwillsettheKeyPadLEDtoalwaysONorOFF Programmercanusethis functionorKeyPadLEDSettingintheControlPaneltoalwaysturnONorOFFthekeypadLED Example DWORDdwResult dwResult KeypadLEDOn TRUE if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T KeypadLEDOnfail Requi...

Страница 35: ...gbatterypower ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_NULLPTR Remarks Theparameterswillbeoneofthevaluesinthetablebelow KeypadLEDIntensity KeypadLEDBrightness 1 on 0 off Example DWORDdwResult dwV alue1 dwV alue2 dwResult Display_QueryKeypadLEDIntensity dwV alue1 dwV alue2 if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMess...

Страница 36: ...PT 90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual 29 Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 37: ...hisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Remarks TheTimeout BrightnessfunctioninControlPanelcansetKeypadLEDBrightness Callingthisfunctionwill alsochangetheKeypadLEDBrightnessinTimeout Brighnessfunction Programmercanuseeitherthis functionorTimeout BrightnessfunctioninControlPaneltoadjusttheKeypadLEDBrightnesslevel E...

Страница 38: ...ctions CallSuspend ToforcetheterminalenteringSUSPENDmode voidCallSuspend Parameters None ReturnedV alues None Example suspenddevice CallSuspend Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 39: ...ssuccessful otherwise FALSE Remarks IfcallingEnableAutoConnectwithbEnablesettoTRUE theterminalwillautomaticallyexecuteActiveSync programwhenuserplugcableintotheterminal IfcallingEnableAutoConnectwithbEnablesettoFALSE the terminalwillnotautomaticallyexecuteActiveSyncprogramwhenuserplugcableintotheterminal Example BOOLbResult bResult EnableAutoConnect TRUE if bResult FALSE AfxMessageBox _T EnableAut...

Страница 40: ...plicationtoreceivethemessage uMsg in ThemessagevaluetobesentwhenAlphaKeyispressed ReturnedV alues Return0iftheoperationissuccessful otherwisereturn1 Remarks TheapplicationshouldcallUnregisterAlphaKeyNotificationfunctiontounregisterthepromptmessagefromthe dll Example if RegisterAlphaKeyNotification this m_hWnd WM_USER 0x0001 AfxMessageBox _T RegisterAlphaKeyNotificationFAIL Requirements OSV ersions...

Страница 41: ...Efunctiondisplay ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwiseFALSE Remarks TheChineseIMEisonlysupportedinChineseOS Itwillworkaftercallingthisfunctionthenresettheterminal Example BOOLbResult bResult ShowChineseIME TRUE if bResult FALSE AfxMessageBox _T ShowChineseIMEfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dl...

Страница 42: ... ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwiseFALSE Remarks AftercallingthisfunctionwithparameterFALSE theterminalwillHIDEalliconsonDesktop Aftercallingthis functionwithparameterTRUE theterminalwillSHOWalliconsonDesktop Example BOOLbResult bResult ShowDesktop TRUE if bResult FALSE AfxMessageBox _T ShowDesktopfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysap...

Страница 43: ...theInternetExplorertoolbarin WindowsIE ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwiseFALSE Remarks TheShowExploreT oolbarfunctiononlyaffectsWindowsInternetExplorersbeenopenedalready Example BOOLbResult bResult ShowExploreToolbar TRUE if bResult FALSE AfxMessageBox _T ShowExploreToolbarfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib L...

Страница 44: ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwiseFALSE Remarks Aftercallingthisfunction theterminalwillSHOWorHIDETaskbar IfTaskbarishiddenbythisfunction itneeds tocallthisfunctiontodisplayTaskbaragain Example BOOLbResult bResult ShowTaskbar TRUE if bResult FALSE AfxMessageBox _T ShowTaskbarfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysa...

Страница 45: ...ages DWORDUnregisterAlphaKeyNotification HANDLEhWnd Parameters hWnd in Thehandlingwindowoftheapplication ReturnedV alues Returning0iftheoperationissuccessful otherwisereturn1 Example if UnregisterAlphaKeyNotification this m_hWnd AfxMessageBox _T UnregisterAlphaKeyNotificationFAIL Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT...

Страница 46: ...iggerKeyispressedorreleased ReturnedV alues Return0iftheoperationissuccessful otherwisereturn1 Remarks TheapplicationshouldcallUnregisterTriggerKeyNotificationfunctiontounregisterthepromptmessagefromthe dll ThewParamparameterofwindowmessagereturnthestatusoftriggerkey wParam TriggerKey 0 Thetriggerkeyisreleased 1 Thetriggerkeyispressed Example if RegisterTriggerKeyNotification this m_hWnd WM_USER 0...

Страница 47: ...nmessages DWORDUnregisterTriggerKeyNotification HANDLEhWnd Parameters hWnd in Thehandlingwindowoftheapplication ReturnedV alues Returning0iftheoperationissuccessful otherwisereturn1 Example if UnregisterTriggerKeyNotification this m_hWnd AfxMessageBox _T UnregisterTriggerKeyNotificationFAIL Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dl...

Страница 48: ...E_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Remarks Y oucanusethisfunctiontoactivatethevibrationindicatoroftheterminaltoalerttheuserthatsomethingis happening Callingthisfunctionwillnotchangethe ScannerVibrator setting Example DWORDdwResult dwResult VibratorOn TRUE if dwResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T VibratorOnfail Requirements OSV ersions Windows...

Страница 49: ...L_Enable Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwiseFALSE Example BOOLbResult bResult WL_Enable if bResult FALSE AfxMessageBox _T Wirelessenablefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 50: ...Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwiseFALSE Example BOOLbResult bResult WL_Disable if bResult FALSE AfxMessageBox _T Wirelessdisablefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 51: ...lues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare BT_ERR_CREA TE_FAIL BT_ERR_INUSING Example BOOLbResult bResult BT_On if bResult E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Bluetoothenablefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 52: ...Manual 45 BT_Off ToDISABLEtheBluetoothfunctionandpower voidBT_Off Parameters None ReturnedV alues None Example BT_Off Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 53: ...rtoenable TRUE ordisable FALSE theterminaldiscoveredmode ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvalueis BT_ERR_SETTING_FAIL Example If SetDiscoverMode TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox Settingfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 54: ... Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturnTRUEifterminalcanbediscovered otherwisereturnFALSE Example if GetDiscoverMode AfxMessageBox _T Discovermodeisenable Else AfxMessageBox _T Discovermodeisdisable Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 55: ...sable FALSE theserialportprofileservicemode ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare BT_ERR_SETTING_FAIL BT_ERR_REG_DEV_FAIL BT_ERR_SPP_COM_FAIL Example If SetSPPService TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox Settingfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Dev...

Страница 56: ...SPPService Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturnTRUEifSPPserviceisenable otherwisereturnFALSE Example if GetSPPService AfxMessageBox _T SPPserviceisenable Else AfxMessageBox _T SPPserviceisdisable Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 57: ... TRUE ordisable FALSE theFileTransferProfileservice mode ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare BT_ERR_SETTING_FAIL Example if SetFTPService TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SetFTPservicefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 58: ...tFTPService Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturnTRUEifFTPserviceisenable otherwisereturnFALSE Example if GetFTPService AfxMessageBox _T FTPserviceisenable Else AfxMessageBox _T FTPserviceisdisable Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 59: ...e in Flagthatindicateswhethertoenable TRUE ordisable FALSE theFileTransferProfilewriteable mode ReturnedV alues ReturnE_FUNC_SUCCEEDiftheoperationissuccessful Example if SetFTPWriteable TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SetFTPwriteablefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 60: ...riteable Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturnTRUEifFTPwriteableisenable otherwisereturnFALSE Example if GetFTPWriteable AfxMessageBox _T FTPserviceiswriteable else AfxMessageBox _T FTPserviceisdiswriteable Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 61: in ThefolderforFileTransferProfile ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvalueis E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example if SetFTPShareFolder Temp E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SetFTPShareFolderfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 62: ...nedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT Remarks IffunctionreturnBT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT nFolderLenwillreceivethesharefolderlengthofterminal Example WCHAR strFolder intnFolderLen 256 strFolder newWCHAR nMax DWORDdwErr GetFTPShareFolder strFolder nFolderLen If dwErr BT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT DeletestrFolder...

Страница 63: ...eturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Remarks MustcallEndSearchBTDevicefunctionfreesthehandleaftercallstotheInitSearchBTDeviceand FindNextBTDevicefunction Example DWORDdwRe HANDLEhLookup ULONGLONGbtAddress WCHARszDeviceName 128 dwRe InitSearchBTDevice hLookup while dwRe E_FUNC_SUCCEED dwRe FindNextBTDevice hLookup szDeviceName btAddress 256 if dwRe BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR break EndSearchBT...

Страница 64: ... Ifterminaldevicenamelength nNameLen the szDeviceNamebufferstoredataofnNameLenlength ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Remarks MustcallEndSearchBTDevicefunctionfreesthehandleaftercallstotheInitSearchBTDeviceand FindNextBTDevicefunction Example defineGET_NAP _bt_addr USHOR...

Страница 65: ...up szDeviceName btAddress 256 if dwRe BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR break wsprintf szAddress L 04X 08X GET_NAP btAddress GET_SAP btAddress EndSearchBTDevice hLookup Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 66: ..._FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example DWORDdwRe HANDLEhLookup ULONGLONGbtAddress WCHARszDeviceName 128 dwRe InitSearchBTDevice hLookup while dwRe E_FUNC_SUCCEED dwRe FindNextBTDevice hLookup szDeviceName btAddress 256 if dwRe BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR break EndSearchBTDevice hLookup Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax ...

Страница 67: ...fails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example DWORDdwPos dwRe WCHARszDeviceName 128 ULONGLONGbtAddress If InitSearchFTPDevice E_FUNC_SUCCEED dwRe FindFirstFTPDevice dwPos szDeviceName btAddress 256 while dwRe E_FUNC_SUCCEED FindNextFPTDevice dwPos szDeviceName btAddress 256 if dwRe E_FUNC_SUCCEED break Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkL...

Страница 68: ...Namebuffermaxsize Ifterminaldevicenamelength nNameLen the szDeviceNamebufferstoredataofnNameLenlength ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example defineGET_NAP _bt_addr USHORT _bt_addr ULONGLONG 0xFFFF00000000 8 4 defineGET_SAP _bt_addr ULONG _bt_addr ULONGLONG 0x0000FFFFFF...

Страница 69: ...puter SDK Programming Manual 62 wsprintf szAddress L 04X 08X GET_NAP btAddress GET_SAP btAddress Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 70: ... Ifterminaldevicenamelength nNameLen the szDeviceNamebufferstoredataofnNameLenlength ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example defineGET_NAP _bt_addr USHORT _bt_addr ULONGLONG 0xFFFF00000000 8 4 defineGET_SAP _bt_addr ULONG _bt_addr ULONGLONG 0x0000FFFFFFFF 0 DWORDdwPos d...

Страница 71: ...puter SDK Programming Manual 64 wsprintf szAddress L 04X 08X GET_NAP btAddress GET_SAP btAddress Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 72: ...rwith PinCode in Thepincodeforconnection ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare BT_ERR_PAIR_FAIL BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if PairDevice btAddress PinCode E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Pairfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 73: ...ress in Thedeviceaddressforunpair ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvalueis BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example PairDevice btAddress PinCode UnPairDevice btAddress Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 74: ...Lenreceivecurrentcomvaluelength ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvalueis E_FUNC_ERROR BT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT Remarks IffunctionreturnBT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT nComV alueLenwillreceivethecomvaluelengthofterminal Example WCHAR pComV alue intnComSum 0 nComV alueLen 10 pComV alue newWCHAR nComV alueLen DWORDdwErr GetComInfo nComSum pComV alue...

Страница 75: ...PT 90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual 68 Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 76: ...Odatastructure nConnect in Connectstatus 1 connect 0 disconnect ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_CHANNEL BT_ERR_REG_DEV_FAIL BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if ConnectDevice btAddrecc Info 1 E_FUNC_SUCCEED ConnectDevice btAddress Info 0 Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Heade...

Страница 77: ...ile mustbefourcharacterslong Contains COM com identifierindex forexample COM7 IfnConnectTypeparameteris2 FTP pComben ttocheck nStatus out Thedeviceconnectstatus ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvalueis E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example GetConnectStatus btAddress 1 _T COM7 nStatus if nStatus AfxMessageBox _T SPPConnect else AfxMessageBox _...

Страница 78: ...etSPPchannel nChannel out Receivequeriedchannel ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if GetSPPClientChannel btAddress nChannel E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getchannelfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll ...

Страница 79: ...eeFTP_FILEdatastructure ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECT BT_ERR_FTP_DIR_FAIL BT_ERR_FTP_EMPTY_FILE Example FTP_FILEFile DWORDdwErr FindFirstFTPFile _T File If dwErr E_FUNC_SUCCEED Do dwErr FindNextFTPFile File while dwErr E_FUNC_SUCCEED Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbe...

Страница 80: ...rnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECT BT_ERR_FTP_EMPTY_FILE Example FTP_FILEFile DWORDdwError FindFirstFTPFile _T File If dwErr E_FUNC_SUCCEED Do dwErr FindNextFTPFile File while dwErr E_FUNC_SUCCEED Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax li...

Страница 81: ...nnecteddevice ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECT Example if GetFTPFile _T record txt E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getfilefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 82: ... argetPath in Thetargetpathintheconnecteddevicetosavefile ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECT Example if PutFTPFie _T Temp record txt _T Collect E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Putfilefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sys...

Страница 83: ...folderintheconnecteddevice ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECT Example if CreateFTPFolder _T FTPFolder E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Createfolderfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device...

Страница 84: ...lderintheconnecteddevice ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECT Example if DeleteFTPFolder _T FTPFolder E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Deletefolderfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device P...

Страница 85: ...econnecteddevice ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR BT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECT Example if DeleteFTPFile _T FTPFolder record txt E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Deletefilefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT...

Страница 86: ...turnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare CAM_ERR_CREA TE_FAIL CAM_ERR_VERSION_ERROR CAM_ERR_GET_DEVICE_FAIL CAM_ERR_VIDEO_WINDOW_FAIL CAM_ERR_STILL_SETTING_FAIL Example if Camera_On NULL E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Cameraonfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sy...

Страница 87: ...ual 80 Camera_Off ToDISABLEtheCamerafunctionandrelease voidCamera_Off Parameters None ReturnedV alues None Example BT_Off Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 88: ...esthewidthtobeset Range 0 240 uiHeight in Specifiestheheighttobeset Range 0 320 ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR CAM_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example UINTuiPosX uiPosY uiWidth uiHeight uiPosX 0 uiPosY 0 uiWidth 240 uiHeight 320 if SetPreviewSize uiPosX uiPosY uiWidth uiHeight E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMess...

Страница 89: ...dinatetoberetrieved uiWidth out Specifiesthewidthtoberetrieved uiHeight out Specifiestheheighttoberetrieved ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare CAM_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example UINTuiPosX uiPosY uiWidth uiHeight if GetPreviewSize uiPosX uiPosY uiWidth uiHeight E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getpreviewsizefail Requirements OSV...

Страница 90: ...ABLE TRUE orDISABLE FALSE previewwindow ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR CAM_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if EnablePreview TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Enablepreviewfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 91: ...pixel 0 QSXGA 2560 1944 1 SXGA 1280 960 ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR CAM_ERR_STILL_SETTING_FAIL CAM_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example DWORDdwSize dwSize 1 if SetStillCaptureSize dwSize E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Setstillcapturesizefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sy...

Страница 92: ...theimagepixelsettingvalue ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR CAM_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example DWORDdwSize if GetStillCaptureSize dwSize E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getstillcapturesizefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 93: ...SE shuttersound ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR CAM_ERR_NOT_SA VE_PA TH CAM_ERR_STILL_SOUND_FAIL CAM_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example WCHARszPictureName 256 wcscpy szPictureName L MyDocuments Img_01 jpg if StartStillCapture szPictureName TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Stillcapturefail Requir...

Страница 94: ...LE TRUE orDISABLE FALSE flashlight ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example if SetFlash TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Enableflashfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 95: ...gvalue BOOLGetFlash Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturnTRUEifflashlightisenable otherwisereturnFALSE Example if GetFlash TRUE AfxMessageBox _T Flashisdisable Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 96: ...LE TRUE orDISABLE FALSE darkmode ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example if SetDarkMode TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Darkmodeisdisable Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 97: ...lue BOOLGetDarkMode Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturnTRUEifdarkmodeisenable otherwisereturnFALSE Example if GetDarkMode TRUE AfxMessageBox _T Darkmodeisdisable Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 98: ...idedown bMirror in FlagthatindicateswhethertoENABLE TRUE orDISABLE FALSE mediastreaminvertof lefttoright ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example if SetInvert 1 1 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Setinvertfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapi...

Страница 99: ...ingvalue bMirror out Receivethemediastreammirrorsettingvalue ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR Example BOOLbFlip bMirror if GetInvert bFlip bMirror E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getinvertfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Devic...

Страница 100: ...turnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare GPRS_ERR_CREA TE_FAIL GPRS_ERR_VERSION_ERROR Example if GPRS_On NULL E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GPRSonfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 101: ...anual 94 GPRS_Off ToDISABLEtheGPRSfunctionandrelease voidGPRS_Off Parameters None ReturnedV alues None Example GPRS_Off Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 102: ... out FlagthatindicateswhethertoENABLE TRUE orDISABLE FALSE GPRSpower ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwiseFALSE Example BOOLbStatus if GetGPRSPowerStatus bStatus TRUE AfxMessageBox _T GetGPRSpowerstatusfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 103: ...tresponse inmilliseconds ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR GPRS_ERR_BUFFER_INSUFFICIENT Remarks Ifreceivedataincomplete maybematterofwaittime CanadjustdwWaitTimeparametertotry Example charszResponse 512 if SendA TCommand at gsn szResponse sizeof szResponse 0 E_FUNC_SUCC...

Страница 104: ...timeintervalforwaitresponse inmilliseconds ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR GPRS_ERR_BUFFER_INSUFFICIENT Example charszResponse 512 if GetA TResponse szResponse sizeof szResponse 0 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetA Tresponsefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header s...

Страница 105: ...themoduleIMEInumber ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example WCHARszIMEI 128 if GetIMEINumber szIMEI E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetIMEInumberfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 106: ...heSIMcardIMSInumber ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example WCHARszIMSI 128 if GetIMSINumber szIMSI E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetIMSInumberfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 107: ...identification lpRevision out Receivethefirmwareversionidentification ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example WCHARszManufacture 128 szModule 128 szRevision 128 if GetModuleInfo szManufacture szModule szRevision E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getmoduleinformationfail Requirements OSV...

Страница 108: ...rength ofGSM GPRSnetwork ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example DWORDdwQuality if GetSignalQuality dwQuality E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getsignalqualityfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 109: ...nously sendamessageforeachRASevent IflpEntryNameisNULL theRasDialcalloperatessynchronously RasDialdoesnotreturnuntiltheconnectionhassucceedorfailed SeeMicrosoftdocumentationfor WM_RASDIALEVENTmessagerelated ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if ConnectRAS _T GPRS...

Страница 110: ...edV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if DisconnectRAS E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T DisconnectRASfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 111: ...nectionorfailedconnection 1 Successfullyestablishedconnection 2 Otherconnectstatus ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example DWORDdwStatus if GetRASConnStatus dwStatus E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetRASconnectstatusfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h...

Страница 112: ...lues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXIST GPRS_ERR_ENTRY_NOT_EXIST Example RAS_ENTRYlpEntry lpEntry dwCountryCode 1 wcscpy lpEntry szAreaCode _T 425 if CreateRASEntry _T MyGPRS lpEntry E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T CreateRASentryfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond ...

Страница 113: ...ingentrytobedeleted ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example if DeleteRASEntry _T MyGPRS E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T DeleteRASentryfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 114: ...meofannotexistentry ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXIST GPRS_ERR_ENTRY_NOT_EXIST Example if ChangeRASEntryName _T MyGPRS _T MyGPRS2 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T ChangeRASentrynamefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sy...

Страница 115: ...urnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXIST GPRS_ERR_ENTRY_NOT_EXIST Example RAS_ENTRYlpEntry lpEntry dwCountryCode 2 wcscpy lpEntry szAreaCode _T 850 if ChangeRASEntryProperty _T MyGPRS lpEntry E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T ChangeRASentrypropertyfail Requirements OSV ersio...

Страница 116: ...ectentryinformation seeRAS_ENTRYdatastructure ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_ENTRY_NOT_EXIST Example RAS_ENTRYlpEntry if GetRASEntryProperty _T MyGPRS lpEntry E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetRASentrypropertyfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h L...

Страница 117: ...heRASentrycount ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR Example intiCount if GetRASEntryCount iCount E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetRASentrycountfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 118: ...ntryName out ReceivethespecifiedRASentryname ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example WCHARszEntryName 20 if MenuRASEntries 1 szEntryName E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T MenuRASentriesfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysap...

Страница 119: ...out Receivethenumberofattemptsstillavailable ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example intiCount if GetPINCounter iCount E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetPINcounterfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device...

Страница 120: ... SIMcardmaybenotexist 1 READY PINhasalreadybeenentered 2 SIMPIN waitSIMPINenter 3 SIMPUK waitSIMPUKenter 4 Otherauthenticationcode ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example DWORDdwStatus if GetPINStatus dwStatus E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetPINstatusfail Requirements OSV ersions W...

Страница 121: ...hertolock TRUE orunlock FALSE thePINcode ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if SetPINLock _T 0000 TRUE E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SetPINlockfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Dev...

Страница 122: FALSEindicateslockisinactive ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example BOOLbStatus if GetPINLockStatus bStatus E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetPINlockstatusfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device...

Страница 123: ...Eindicatespasswordsisok FALSEindicatespasswordsiserror ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example BOOLbMatch if CheckPINCode _T 0000 bMatch E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T CheckPINcodefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapi...

Страница 124: ... Receivethecheckresult TRUEindicatespasswordsisok FALSEindicatespasswordsiserror ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example BOOLbMatch if CheckPUKCode _T 12345678 _T 0000 bMatch E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T CheckPUKcodefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyon...

Страница 125: NewPINcodepasswords sizeof4 8character ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if ChangePINCode _T 0000 _T 1111 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T ChangePINcodefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapi...

Страница 126: lpName out Receivethephonebookentrytext ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example WCHARszNumber 30 szName 30 if ReadPhonebook 1 szNumber szName E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Readphonebookfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibra...

Страница 127: lpName in Phonebookentrytext nNumType in Definetheusedtypeofnumber Value NumberType 129 Normalcode 145 Internationalaccesscode ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if WritePhonebook 0 _T 886912345678 _T test 145 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Writephonebookfail...

Страница 128: ...ookentry ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if DeletePhonebook 1 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Deletephonebookfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 129: ...out PointertoabufferthatreceivesanarrayofPHONEBOOK_INFOstructure Beforecallingthe function anapplicationmustsetthedwSizememberofthefirstPHONEBOOK_INFOstructureinthe buffertosizeof PHONEBOOK_INFO inordertoidentifytheversionofthestructurebeingpassed dwInfoLen in out Pointertoavariablethatcontainsthesize inbytes ofthebufferspecifiedbyInfo Onreturn the functionsetsthisvariabletothenumberofbytesrequire...

Страница 130: ... lpPhonebookInfo dwInfoLen iCount if dwRet GPRS_ERR_BUFFER_INSUFFICIENT lpPhoneInfo newPHONEBOOK_INFO dwInfoLen sizeof PHONEBOOK_INFO lpPhonebookInfo dwSize sizeof PHONEBOOK_INFO dwRet ReadMultiPhonebook 1 10 dwResLen lpPhonebookInfo dwInfoLen iCount if dwRet E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Readmultitudephonebookfail else AfxMessageBox _T Readmultitudephonebookfail Requirements OSV ersions Windows...

Страница 131: ... out Receivetheamountofallowmaximum ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example intiUsed iTotal if GetPhonebookTotal iUsed iTotal E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getphonebooktotalfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax...

Страница 132: ...en out Receivethemaximumlengthofphonetext ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example intiNumberLen iNameLen if GetPhoneMaxLength iNumberLen iNameLen E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T Getphonemaximumlengthfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysap...

Страница 133: ...interminaltosend lpSendNum in Thephonenumberofrecipient maxsizeof30 lpData in SMSmessagedata maxsizeof70 ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if SendSMS _T _T 0912345678 _T SendTest E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SendSMSfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0or...

Страница 134: ...NSENT storedunsentmessage 3 STOSENT storedsentmessage lpNumber out Receivethesenderphonenumber lpData out ReceivetheSMSmessagedata lpTimeStamp out Receivetheservicecentertimestamp Format yy MM dd hh mm ss wherecharactersindicate year twolastdigits month day hour minute second ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERRO...

Страница 135: ...PT 90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual 128 Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 136: ...sage ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if DeleteSMS 1 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T DeleteSMSfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 137: ...Len thedwResLenreceive currentresponsebufferlength Info in out PointertoabufferthatreceivesanarrayofSMS_INFOstructure Beforecallingthefunction an applicationmustsetthedwSizememberofthefirstSMS_INFOstructureinthebufferto sizeof SMS_INFO inordertoidentifytheversionofthestructurebeingpassed dwInfoLen in out Pointertoavariablethatcontainsthesize inbytes ofthebufferspecifiedbyInfo Onreturn the function...

Страница 138: ...ltiSMS 4 dwResLen lpSMSInfo dwInfoLen iCount if dwRet GPRS_ERR_BUFFER_INSUFFICIENT lpSMSInfo newSMS_INFO dwInfoLen sizeof SMS_INFO lpSMSInfo dwSize sizeof SMS_INFO dwRet ReadMultiSMS 4 dwResLen lpSMSInfo dwInfoLen iCount if dwRet E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T ReadmultitudeSMSfail else AfxMessageBox _T ReadmultitudeSMSfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrar...

Страница 139: ... willusestorageSMSCinterminaltosend lpSendNum in Thephonenumberofrecipient maxsizeof30 lpData in SMSmessagedata maxsizeof70 ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example intiIndex if WriteStorageSMS iIndex _T _T 0912345678 _T WriteStorageTest E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T...

Страница 140: ...geSMSmessage ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if SendStorageSMS 1 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SendstorageSMSfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 141: ...ut Receivetheamountofallowmaximum ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example intiUsed iTotal if GetSMSTotal iUsed iTotal E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetSMStotalfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT...

Страница 142: ...number ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if SetSMSCentre _T 886912345678 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SetSMScentrefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 143: ...r nMaxLen in ThelpNumberbuffermaxsize ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example WCHARszNumber 30 if GetSMSCentre szNumber 30 E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T GetSMScentrefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Dev...

Страница 144: ...Wnd ThesenotificationsaresentwhenreceiveanewSMSofGPRS module uNewPhoneNotify in Application definedmessageidentifier Thesystemusesthisfornotificationmessagethatitsendstothe windowidentifiedinhNotifyWnd ThesenotificationsaresentwhenreceiveanewphonecallofGPRS module ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR...

Страница 145: ... ReturnedV alues Iftheactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Iftheactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR GPRS_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR Example if SMS_UnRegister E_FUNC_SUCCEED AfxMessageBox _T SMS_UnRegisterfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header sysapiax h LinkLibrary sysapiax lib LinkDLL sysapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 146: ...utputNMEAmessages whentheCOMportisopened UsingMicrosoft StandardAPItoopenserialportandreceiveNMEAdata Fordetails pleaserefertoNMEA0183ver3 0 SerialConfiguration GPSreceiver Comport 8 Baudrate 9600 Databits 8 Parity None Stopbits 1 Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Device PT90 ...

Страница 147: ...el intnConnectType WCHARstrCom 6 Members nChannel TheconnectchannelforSerialportprofile nCannectType Connectprofiletype 1 Serialportprofile 2 Filetransferprofile strCom TheconnectcomforSerialportprofile mustbefourcharacterslong Contains COM comidentifier index forexample COM7 IfnConnectTypememberis2 FTP strComben ttocheck StructureInformation Header sysapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 148: ...NextFTPFile StructFTP_FILE intnFileType WCHARstrPath 260 WCHARstrFile 260 DWORDdwFileSize Members nFileType Fileobjectprofiletype 0 File 1 Folder strPath Thefilepath strFile Thefilename Itwillbenulliftheobjectisafolder dwFileSize Thefilesize inbytes Itwillbe0iftheobjectisafolder StructureInformation Header sysapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 149: ...ingthatcontainstheareacode szPhoneNumber ThephonenumberofRASentry szExtraCmd Spicifiesthespecialmodemcommandsmaybeinsertedintothedialstring szUserName Null terminatedstringthatcontainstheuser sname Thisstringisusedtoauthenticatetheuser saccessto theremoteaccessserver szPassword Null terminatedstringthatcontainstheuser spassword Thisstringisusedtoauthenticatetheuser saccess totheremoteaccessserver ...

Страница 150: ...PT 90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual 143 Device PT90 ...

Страница 151: ...mationusedbyReadMultiPhonebook StructPHONEBOOK_INFO DWORDdwSize intnIndex WCHARszNumber 30 WCHARszName 30 Members dwSize Specifiesthestructuresize inbytes nIndex Theone basedindexofaphonebookentry szNumber Phonebookentrynumber szName Phonebookentrytext StructureInformation Header sysapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 152: ...heone basedindexofaSMSmessage nStatus Messagestatus Thereturnvaluecanbeoneofthevaluesinthefollowingtable Value MessageStatus 0 RECUNREAD receivedunreadmessage 1 RECREAD receivedreadmessage 2 STOUNSENT storedunsentmessage 3 STOSENT storedsentmessage szNumber Senderphonenumber szData SMSmessagedata szTimeStamp Servicecentertimestamp Format yy MM dd hh mm ss wherecharactersindicateyear twolastdigits ...

Страница 153: ...g WriteAFI Write application family identifier AFI to 15693 tag WriteDSFID Write data structure format identifier DSFID to 15693 tag LockAFI Lock AFI on 15693 tag LockDSFID Lock DSFID on 15693 tag LockBlock Lock single block on 15693 tag TagSystemInfo Query tag information from 15693 tag TagStayQuiet Set 15693 tag to stay quiet state TagSelect Set 15693 tag to select state TagResetToReady Set sele...

Страница 154: ...PT 90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual 147 When user wants to use this library user should link RFID DLL RFID LIB and the relate functions header file RFID H ...

Страница 155: ...t intiCom Parameters iCom in TheRFIDmodulecomportnumber PT90onlyspecifiedcom6 ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if OpenComPort 6 0 AfxMessageBox _T RFIDopencomfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 156: ...uleconnection intCloseComPort Parameters None ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if CloseComPort 0 AfxMessageBox _T RFIDclosecomfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 157: ...s lpOutV ersion out ReceivetheRFIDmodulefirmwareversion ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcV ersion 20 if GetFWV ersion cV ersion 0 AfxMessageBox _T GetFWversionfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 158: ... lpOutV ersion out ReceivetheRFIDAPIversion ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcV ersion 20 if APIV ersion cV ersion 0 AfxMessageBox _T GetAPIversionfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 159: ...oneofthevaluesinthetablebelow Value Workingtype 1 15693 2 14443A 3 14443B iHalfPower in TheRFIDmodulepowertype Thisparametermustbeoneofthevaluesinthetablebelow Value Powertype 0 fullpower 1 Halfpower ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if SetWorkingType 1 0 0 AfxMessageBox _T Setworkingtypefail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Hea...

Страница 160: ...ters iSelect in FlagthatindicateswhethertoEnable 1 orDisable 0 theantenna ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if AntennaContro 1 0 AfxMessageBox _T Antennacontrolfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 161: ...ion Bit8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 0 Slots_flag 0 16slots 1 1slots 0 0 1 0 0 lpAFI in Thisparameternotsupportandshouldbesetto lpOutUID out Receivethetaguniqueidentifier ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcUID 40 if Inventory15693 04 cUID 0 AfxMessageBox _T Inventory15693fail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header ...

Страница 162: ...e hexadecimalnotation Bit8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 Option_flag Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document lpOutData out Receivetheblockdata ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcData 128 if ReadSingleBlock 8 00 cD...

Страница 163: ...alnotation Bit8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 Option_flag Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document lpData in Theblockdata Datalengthsrefertotagrespectivedocument ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if WriteSingleBlock 8 ...

Страница 164: ...Bit8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 Option_flag Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document lpData in TheAFIdata 2byte ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if WriteAFI 40 11 0 AfxMessageBox _T WriteAFIfail Requirements OSV er...

Страница 165: ... Bit8 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 Option_flag Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document lpData in TheDSFIDdata 2byte ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if WriteDSFID 40 22 0 AfxMessageBox _T WriteDSFIDfail Requirements...

Страница 166: ...lag Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Remarks Whenappliesthisfunction AFIwilllockandbeunabletorestoreonISO15693tag Example charcUID 40 Inventory15693 04 cUID if LockAFI 20 cUID 0 AfxMessageBox...

Страница 167: ...flag Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Remarks Whenappliesthisfunction DSFIDwilllockandbeunabletorestoreonISO15693tag Example charcUID 40 Inventory15693 04 cUID if LockDSFID 20 cUID 0 AfxMessa...

Страница 168: ...t4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 Option_flag Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Remarks Whenappliesthisfunction theblockwilllockandbeunabletorestoreonISO15693tag Example charcUID 40 Inventory15693 04 cUID i...

Страница 169: ... Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 Option_flag Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document lpOutData out Receivethetaginformation ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcData 128 if TagSystemInfo 00 cData 0 AfxMessageBox _T Gettaginformationfail ...

Страница 170: ...5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 0 Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcUID 40 Inventory15693 04 cUID if TagStayQuiet 20 cUID 0 AfxMessageBox _T Setstayquietstatefail Requirements OSV ersions...

Страница 171: ...Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 0 Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcUID 40 Inventory15693 04 cUID if TagSelect 20 cUID 0 AfxMessageBox _T Setselectstatefail Requirements OSV ersions Windows...

Страница 172: ... Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 0 0 Address_flag Select_flag 0 0 0 0 lpAddressUID in TheuniqueidentifierofISO15693tag ThisparameterapplydeterminedbytheAddress_flag please refertoISO15693document ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcUID 40 Inventory15693 04 cUID if TagResetToReady 20 cUID 0 AfxMessageBox _T Setreadystatefail Requirements OSV ersi...

Страница 173: ...PleaserefertomifarebaseddocumentForexamplecommonvaluesinthe followingtable Value Tagtype 0400 MifareClassic1k 0200 MifareClassic4k 4400 MifareUltralight ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcUID 40 cType 20 if OpenCard14443A cUID cType 0 AfxMessageBox _T Opencard14443Afail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibr...

Страница 174: ... Value Keytype 0 KeyA 1 KeyB lpKey in Thekeystring 12byte iBlock in TheblockindexofmifareS50 S70tag Pleaserefertotagrespectivedocument lpOutData out Receivetheblockdata ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcData 128 if ReadMifareBlock 0 FFFFFFFFFFFF 8 cData 0 AfxMessageBox _T Readmifareblockfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond...

Страница 175: ... Keytype 0 KeyA 1 KeyB lpKey in Thekeystring 12byte iBlock in TheblockindexofmifareS50 S70tag Pleaserefertotagrespectivedocument lpData in Theblockdata 32byte ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if WriteMifareBlock 0 FFFFFFFFFFFF 8 11111111112222222222333333333344 0 AfxMessageBox _T Writemifareblockfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orb...

Страница 176: ...Theblockindexofmifareultralighttag Pleaserefertotagrespectivedocument lpOutData out Receivetheblockdata ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcData 128 if ReadUltraLightBlock 8 cData 0 AfxMessageBox _T Readultralightblockfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 177: in Theblockindexofmifareultralighttag Pleaserefertotagrespectivedocument lpData in Theblockdata 8byte ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example if WriteUltralightBlock 8 12345678 0 AfxMessageBox _T Writeultralightblockfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 178: ...14443B 2 SR176 3 SRIX4K lpOutUID out Receivethetaguniqueidentifier ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Remarks WhentagtypeisSRIX4K mustreadchipIDbeforegetUID RefertoSRIX4KFlowChart Example charcUID 40 if GetUid14443B 1 cUID 0 AfxMessageBox _T GetUID14443Bfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID...

Страница 179: ...ID Parameters lpOutData out ReceivethetagchipID ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Example charcID 4 if SRIX4KChipID cID 0 AfxMessageBox _T GetSRIX4KchipIDfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary RFID lib LinkDLL RFID dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 180: ...out Receivetheblockdata ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Remarks Whenappliesthisfunction aftermustremovetagofRFIDfield Otherwise SRIX4KChipIDfunctionwillnot beabletogetchipID RefertoSRIX4KFlowChart Example charcData 128 if SRIX4KReadBlock 8 cData 0 AfxMessageBox _T ReadSRIX4Kblockfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h Link...

Страница 181: ...ata in Theblockdata 8byte ReturnedV alues Returningzeroiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise indicatesfailure Remarks Whenappliesthisfunction aftermustremovetagofRFIDfield Otherwise SRIX4KChipIDfunctionwillnot beabletogetchipID RefertoSRIX4KFlowChart Example if SRIX4KWriteBlock 8 12345678 0 AfxMessageBox _T WriteSRIX4Kblockfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header RFID h LinkLibrary...

Страница 182: ...dstate TheAddressflagissetto0 andtheUIDfieldisnotincludedintherequest Bit6 Address_flag 0 Requestisnotaddressed UIDfieldisnotincluded Itcanbeexecutedby anytag 1 Requestisaddressed UIDfieldisincluded Itisexectedonlybythetag whoseUIDmatchestheUIDspecifiedintherequest Bit7 Option_flag 0 Meaningisdefinedbythecommanddescription Itissetto0ifnot otherwisedefinedbythecommand 1 Meaningisdefinedbythecommand...

Страница 183: ...PT 90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual 176 SRIX4KFlowChart SetWorkingType 3 0 RFID module on SRIX4KChipID GetUid14443B SRIX4KReadBlock SRIX4KWriteBlock RemovetagofRFID field ...

Страница 184: ... to register application to SCANAPIAX dll API_SCAN functions will then send messages to report all activities including error messages and scan data API_Register Register the application to SCANAPIAX dll API_Unregister Un register the application from SCANAPIAX dll API_GetBarData Get barcode data into the buffer API_GetBarDataLength Return length of the scanned data API_GetBarType Return the barco...

Страница 185: PT_EnableScanner Enable scanner to scan barcode data PT_DiableScanner Disable scanner PT_CheckBarcodeData Check whether there is scanned data in system buffer PT_GetBarcodeData Get barcode data and type from system buffer PT_SetDeault Reset scanner settings to default status Scan Key Related Functions EnableTriggerKey Enable and disable scan key GetLibraryVersion Get the library version GetTrig...

Страница 186: ...nformation of UPCA settings UPCE_Setting Structure Information of UPCE settings Matrix25_Setting Structure Information of Matrix25 settings UEGeneral_Setting Structure Information of UPC EAN General settings IATA25_Setting Structure Information of IATA 2 of 5 settings Trioptic_Setting Structure Information of TRI OPTIC settings RSS_Setting Structure Information of RSS settings Scan Command Table T...

Страница 187: ...urnFALSE Remarks ThetargetapplicationmustcallAPI_Unregistertounregisterfromthedllandclosethescanningdeviceafterthe actionbeendone Themessagescanbeoneofthefollowing SM_DA TA_READY Indicatingthatthebarcodedataissuccessfullyreadandreadyforretrieval SM_ERROR_SYS Indicatingasystemerroriscausedbycallingsystemfunction Calling API_GetSysErrorcangetthesystemerrorcode SM_ERROR_API Indicatinganerror CallingA...

Страница 188: ...egisterthetargetapplicationfromSCANAPIAX dllandclosethescanningdevice voidAPI_Unregister Parameters None ReturnV alues None Example API_Unregister Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 189: out barcodetype ReturnedV alues Returning1iftheoperationissuccessful otherwise return0 Remarks Ifthebuffersizeissmallerthanthescanneddata thisfunctionwillreturn0andtheparameteruiLengthwillreturn thesizeofthebuffertoadoptthescanneddata Example if message SM_DA TA_READY CStringstrBarData strBarType UINT uiSize uiType i char pBuf uiSize uiType 0 API_GetBarData NULL uiSize uiType if uiSize 0 strBar...

Страница 190: ...Type Format _T d uiType for i 0 i strlen pBuf i strBarData pBuf i AfxMessageBox _T Type strBarType _T r nBarcode strBarData return0 Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 191: ...ringstrData UINTuiSize uiType i uiLength char pBuf uiLength API_GetBarDataLength if uiLength 0 strData _T NoData else uiSize uiLength 1 pBuf char newchar uiSize memset pBuf 0 uiSize API_GetBarData LPBYTE pBuf uiSize uiType for i 0 i strlen pBuf i strData pBuf i AfxMessageBox strData return0 Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax...

Страница 192: ...93 BC_UPCA 113 UPCA BC_CODE128 103 Code128 BC_UPCE 114 UPCE BC_CODABAR 104 Codabar BC_MA TRIX_25 115 Matrix25 BC_EAN8 105 EAN8 BC_IA TA_25 125 IA TA2of5 BC_EAN13 106 EAN13 BC_TRIOPTIC 126 TRI OPTIC BC_INDUSTRIAL_25 107 Industrial2of5 BC_RSS 127 RSS BC_INTERLEA VED_25 108 Interleaved2of5 BC_UCCEAN128 128 UCC EAN128 BC_MSI_PLESSEY 110 MSIPlessey Example uiType API_GetBarType Requirements OSV ersions...

Страница 193: ...AIL WM_USER 1 Sendcommandstoscannermodulefailed ERR_SETTING_FAIL WM_USER 2 Setscannersettingfailed ERR_SCANNER_NOT_OPEN WM_USER 3 Openscannermodulefailed ERR_INV ALID_FILE WM_USER 4 Invalidsettingfile Example dwError API_GetError strMess Format _T APIErrorCode d dwError AfxMessageBox strMess Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapia...

Страница 194: ...dV alues ReturningthesystemerrorcodethatisreturnedbyGetLastError Descriptionsofsystemerrorcodecanbefound inMSDN Example dwError API_GetSysError strMess Format _T SystemErrorCode d dwError AfxMessageBox strMess Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 195: ... UseAPI_GoodRead tonotifytheuserthatabarcodedataissuccessfullyscanned Thebuzzerfunctionofthe scanningdevicecanbesetbyScanConfigurationinthecontrolpanel Thegood readLEDfunctionofthe scanningdevicecanbesetbySCAN_SendCommand function Ifthebuzzerandgood readLEDfunctionsare disabled theAPI_GoodReadwilldonothing Example API_GoodRead Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLi...

Страница 196: ...eoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Example CStringstrFile CFileDialog dlg TRUE NULL NULL OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST OFN_PA THMUSTEXIST if dlg DoModal IDOK return strFile dlg GetPathName if theApp m_API_LoadSettingsFromFile strFile AfxMessageBox _T LoadformfileSucceed else AfxMessageBox _T LoadfromfileFail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib L...

Страница 197: ...set Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Example if API_Reset AfxMessageBox _T ResetSucceed else AfxMessageBox _T ResetFail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 198: ...ta ToClearthedatabuffertoallowthenextscanneddatacomingin voidAPI_ResetBarData Parameters None ReturnedV alues None Example API_ResetBarData Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 199: ...eturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Example CStringstrFile CfileDialogdlg FALSE _T axs NULL OFN_CREA TEPROMPT _T ScannerSettingsFiles axs axs if dlg DoModal IDOK return strFile dlg GetPathName if API_SaveSettingsToFile strFile AfxMessageBox _T SavetofileSucceed else AfxMessageBox _T SavetofileFail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary...

Страница 200: ...Scanner Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Example if API_SaveSettingsToScanner AfxMessageBox _T SavetoScannerSucceed else AfxMessageBox _T SavetoScannereFail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 201: ..._IsLoad Parameters None ReturnedV alues ThereturnedvalueTRUEindicatesthatscan exeisrunning ThereturnedvalueFALSEindicatesthatscan exeis notrunning Example if S2K_IsLoad AfxMessageBox _T scan exeload else AfxMessageBox _T scan exedoesnotload Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 202: ...xe dwTimeOut in WhenUnloadscan exeitwillwaituntilthescan exebeenclosedorTimeoutbythisparameter ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Example if S2K_Load FALSE 1000 AfxMessageBox _T unloadscan exesuccess else AfxMessageBox _T unloadscan exefailed Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll D...

Страница 203: ...uffersizemustbelargerthan100 ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Remarks ThepReturnvalueisdependingonnCommand1andnCommand2 ThenCommand1andnCommand2decide whichscannersettingstobequeried Example char pV alue pV alue char newchar 100 memset pV alue 0 100 queryBuzzerindicationsetting SCAN_QueryStatus 5 3 pV alue Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond H...

Страница 204: ...mmandtable nCommand2 in Seescancommandtable pV alue in Seescancommandtable ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Example EnableBuzzerindicationsetting if SCAN_SendCommand 5 3 1 AfxMessageBox _T Setupcomplete else AfxMessageBox _T Setupfalse Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device...

Страница 205: ...urnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR E_FUNC_SCANNER_NOT_OPEN Example Enablescankeytoresumesystem if SCAN_ResumeSystem 1 0 AfxMessageBox _T Enablescankeytoresumesystemsucceed else AfxMessageBox _T Enablescankeytoresumesystemfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h Lin...

Страница 206: ...tionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR E_FUNC_SCANNER_NOT_OPEN E_FUNC_SETTING_FAIL Example ScannerSetting setting setting generalsetting m_uiLED 0 setting Code11 m_uiRead 1 setting Code39 m_uiRead 1 SCAN_BatchSetting setting Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib Lin...

Страница 207: ...PointertoScannerSettingdatastructure ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails possiblereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_SCANNER_NOT_OPEN E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Example ScannerSetting setting SCAN_BatchRead setting Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 208: ...erminalkeybuffer BOOLPT_OpenScan2Key Parameters None ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Example BOOLbResult bResult PT_OpenScan2Key if bResult AfxMessageBox _T PT_OpenScan2Keyfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 209: ...loseScan2Key ToCloseapplicationprogramscan exe voidPT_CloseScan2Key Parameters None ReturnedV alues None Example PT_CloseScan2Key Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 210: ...ltvalue intPT_SetToDefault Parameters None ReturnedV alues Returning1iftheoperationissuccessful otherwise return0 Example if PT_SetToDefault AfxMessageBox _T PT_SetToDefaultfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 211: ...uffer Applicationcanusetheotherfunction PT_GetBarcodeData toretrievescanneddatafromsystembuffer intPT_EnableScanner Parameters None ReturnedV alues Returning0iftheoperationissuccessful otherwise return1 Example if PT_EnableScanner AfxMessageBox _T PT_EnableScannerfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 212: ...T_DisableScanner Toclosethescanningdevice voidPT_DisableScanner Parameters None ReturnedV alues None Example PT_DisableScanner Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 213: ...ues ThisfunctionreturnsTRUEifthereisscannedbarcodedatainsystembufferandFALSEifthereisnoscanned barcodedatainsystembuffer Example if PT_CheckBarcodeData m_strScanData _T Therearebarcodedatainsystembuffer else m_strScanData _T Therearenobarcodedatainsystembuffer Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 214: ...aximumbuffersize ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Remarks Ifthebuffersizeissmallerthanscanneddata thisfunctionwillreturn0andtheparameteruiMaxBufferLenwill returnthelengthofthescannedbarcodedata Example if PT_CheckBarcodeData if PT_GetBarcodeData uiBarType pBarData uiMaxLen for i 0 i strlen pBarData i m_strScanData pBarData i else m_strScanData _T Can tg...

Страница 215: ...PT 90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual 208 Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 216: ...rameters None ReturnedV alues ReturningTRUEiftheoperationissuccessful otherwise returnFALSE Example if PT_SetDefault AfxMessageBox _T PT_SetDefaultsucceed else AfxMessageBox _T PT_SetDefaultfail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 217: ...eds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails thereturnedvaluesare E_FUNC_ERROR E_FUNC_PAR_ERROR Remarks Thisfunctionisvalidonlyifthescanningdeviceisenabled AWarmResetwillenablethescanTriggerKey automatically Example BOOLbResult bResult EnableTriggerKey TRUE if bResult AfxMessageBox _T EnableTriggerKeySucceed Else AfxMessageBox _T EnableTriggerKeyFail Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0...

Страница 218: ...edV alues Theversioninformation forexample ifthereturnedvalueis301 itmeansthatdllversionis3 01 Example intnV ersion CStringstrTemp nV ersion GetLibraryV ersion strTemp Format _T V ersion d nV ersion AfxMessageBox strTemp Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 219: ...edV alues Returnedvalue1indicatesthatthescanTriggerKeyisenabled Returnedvalue0indicatesthatthescanTrigger Keyisdisabled Example if GetTriggerKeyStatus AfxMessageBox _T scankeyensable else AfxMessageBox _T scankeydisable Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 220: ...LSE thescanTriggerKey ReturnedV alues Ifthisactionsucceeds thereturnedvalueisE_FUNC_SUCCEED Ifthisactionfails thereturnedvalueis E_FUNC_ERROR Remarks Thisfunctionisvalidonlyifthescanningdeviceisenabled Example PressTriggerKey TRUE Sleep 1000 PressTriggerKey FALSE Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 221: ...turnedV alues Thereturnedvalue1indicatesthatthescanTriggerKeyispressedand0indicatesthatscanTriggerKeyisreleased Example if TriggerStatus AfxMessageBox _T scankeypressed else AfxMessageBox _T scankeyrelease Requirements OSV ersions WindowsCE6 0orbeyond Header scanapiax h LinkLibrary scanapiax lib LinkDLL scanapiax dll Device PT90 ...

Страница 222: ...tting Codabar structEAN8_Setting EAN8 structEAN13_Setting EAN13 structIndustrial25_Setting Indust25 structInterleaved25_Setting Inter25 structMSI_Setting MSIPlessey structUK_Setting UKPlessey structTelepen_Setting Telepen structUPCA_Setting UPCA structUPCE_Setting UPCE structMatrix25_Setting Matrix25 structUEGeneral_Setting UEGeneral structIATA25_Setting IATA25 structTrioptic_Setting Trioptic stru...

Страница 223: ...AN13_SettingStructure Indust25 Industrial25_SettingStructure Inter25 Interleaved25_SettingStructure MSIPlessey MSI_SettingStructure UKPlessey UK_SettingStructure Telepen Telepen_SettingStructure UPCA UPCA_SettingStructure UPCE UPCE_SettingStructure Matrix25 Matrix25_SettingStructure UEGeneral UEGeneral_SettingStructure IATA25 IA TA25_SettingStructure Trioptic Trioptic_SettingStructure RSS RSS_Sett...

Страница 224: ...PT 90 Mobile Computer SDK Programming Manual 217 Remarks ThecbSizemustbethesizeofStructureScannerSetting inbytes StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 225: ... m_uiGlobalLock UINT m_ui1Type UINT m_ui1Length UINT m_ui2Type UINT m_ui2Length UINT m_ui3Type UINT m_ui3Length UINT m_ui4Type UINT m_ui4Length UINT m_ui5Type UINT m_ui5Length UINT m_ui6Type UINT m_ui6Length UINT m_ui7Type UINT m_ui7Length UINT m_uiScanTout UINT m_uiIdleTout Unsignedchar m_strPreamble 10 Unsignedchar m_strPostamble 10 Members Allmembers SeeIndication Transmission ScanandStringsett...

Страница 226: ...gStructure ThissettingcontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructCode11_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiChkDig UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID Members Allmembers SeeCode11settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 227: ...usedbyStructureScannerSetting StructCode39_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiChkDig UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiFullASCII UINT m_uiXmitStarStop UINT m_uiPharmacode UINT m_uiPharmacodeOnly Members Allmembers SeeCode39settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 228: ...21 Code93_SettingStructure ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructCode93_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiCodeID Members Allmembers SeeCode93settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 229: ...formationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructCode128_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiUCCEAN128 UINT m_uiISBT128 UINT m_uiISBT128XmitID UINT m_uiISBT128Concat UINT m_uiISBT128Form Members Allmembers SeeCode128settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 230: ...ilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructCodabar_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiChkDig UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiXmitStarStop UINT m_uiDualField Members Allmembers SeeCodabarsettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 231: ...cture ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructEAN8_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiConvertToEAN13 Members Allmembers SeeEAN8settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 232: ...formationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructEAN13_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiISBNConvert UINT m_uiISBNSuppReq UINT m_uiISMNConvert UINT m_uiISMNSuppReq Members Allmembers SeeEAN13settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 233: ...ial25_SettingStructure ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructIndustrial25_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiCodeID Members Allmembers SeeIndustrial2of5settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 234: ...ure ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructInterleaved25_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiChkDig UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID Members Allmembers SeeInterleaved2of5settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 235: ...ucture ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructMSI_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiChkDig UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID Members Allmembers SeeMSIPlesseysettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 236: ...ttingStructure ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructUK_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID Members Allmembers SeeUKPlesseysettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 237: ...SettingStructure ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructTelepen_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiFullASCII Members Allmembers SeeTelepensettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 238: ...informationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructUPCA_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiConvertToEAN13 UINT m_uiCoupon UINT m_uiCouponXmitID UINT m_uiXmitNumSys Members Allmembers SeeUPCAsettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 239: ...settingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructUPCE_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiConvertToUPCA UINT m_uiXmitNumSys Members Allmembers SeeUPCEsettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 240: ...ructure ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructMatrix25_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiChkDig UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiCodeID Members Allmembers SeeMatrix25settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 241: ...econtainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructUEGeneral_Setting UINT m_uiSuppReq UINT m_ui2DigSupp UINT m_ui5DigSupp UINT m_ui2DigRedu UINT m_ui5DigRedu UINT m_uiGTIN Members Allmembers SeeUPC EANGeneralsettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 242: ... IATA25_SettingStructure ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructIATA25_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiCodeID Members Allmembers SeeIA TA2of5settingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 243: ...ttingStructure ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructTrioptic_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiCodeID UINT m_uiConversion Members Allmembers SeeTRI OPTICsettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 244: ...ucture ThissettingfilecontainsinformationusedbyStructureScannerSetting StructRSS_Setting UINT m_uiRead UINT m_uiXmitAppID UINT m_uiXmitChkDig UINT m_uiXmitSymID Members Allmembers SeeRSSsettingsinScanCommandTable StructureInformation Header scanapiax h Device PT90 ...

Страница 245: ...n 7 CodeIDposition 0 Beforecodedata 1 Aftercodedata 12 AIMID 0 Disable 1 Enable 13 CodeID 0 Clear 1 Proprietary SeeNote1 7 Scan 6 Globalmin codelength 0 80 0 Disable 3 9 Globallockcodelength 0 80 0 Disable 0 10 Configurablecodelength 1 SeeNote2 11 Configurablecodelength 2 SeeNote2 12 Configurablecodelength 3 SeeNote2 13 Configurablecodelength 4 SeeNote2 14 Configurablecodelength 5 SeeNote2 15 Conf...

Страница 246: ...gits 3 TransmitCheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 11 Code39 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 2 CheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 3 TransmitCheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 10 FullASCII 0 Disable 1 Enable 13 TransmitStart StopCharacters 0 Disable 1 Enable 14 ItalianPharmacode 0 Disable 1 Enable 15 ItalianPharmacode...

Страница 247: ...e 17 ISBT128Form 0 A 1 A 2 A 3 4 5 6 14 Codabar 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 2 CheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 3 TransmitCheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 11 TransmitStart StopCharacters 0 Disable 1 Enable 12 DualField 0 Disable 1 Enable 15 EAN8 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 3 TransmitCheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode ...

Страница 248: ...ndustrial2of5 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 18 Interleaved2of5 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 2 CheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 3 TransmitCheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 20 MSIPlessey 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 2 CheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Onedigit MOD10 2 Twodigit MOD10 10 3 TransmitCheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable...

Страница 249: ...g 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 12 ConverttoEAN 13 0 Disable 1 Enable 13 Coupon 0 Disable 1 Enable SeeNote4 14 CouponTransmit C1 0 Disable 1 Enable 15 TransmitNumberSystem 0 Disable 1 Enable 24 UPCE 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 3 TransmitCheckDigit 0 Disable 1 Enable 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 14 ConverttoUPC A 0 Disable 1 Enable 15 TransmitNumberSystem 0 Disable 1 Enab...

Страница 250: ...le 1 Enable 5 FiveDigitRedundancy 0 Disable 1 Enable 6 GTINFormatting 0 Disable 1 Enable 36 IA TA2of5 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable SeeNote5 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 37 TRI OPTIC 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 8 CodeIDsetting 0 Disable 0x01 0x7FASCIIcode 1bytes 10 Conversion 0 Disable 1 Enable 38 RSS 1 Read 0 Disable 1 Enable 2 TransmitApplicationID 0 Disable 1 Enable 3 TransmitC...

Страница 251: ...103 UPCA 113 Codabar 104 UPCE 114 EAN8 105 Matrix25 115 EAN13 106 IA TA25 125 Industrial2of5 107 Trioptic 126 Interleaved2of5 108 Note2 Therearesevenbarcodelength lockavailable Specificbarcodetypecanbeassignedwitha length lock Codetype HexValue CODE11 64 CODE39 65 CODE93 66 CODE128 67 CODABAR 68 INDUSTRIAL_25 6B INTERLEA VED_25 6C MSI_PLESSEY 6E UK_PLESSEY 6F TELEPEN 70 MA TRIX_25 73 TRIOPTIC 7E L...

Страница 252: 39 Can only read barcode of 20 digit Note3 ScanTimeout themaximumtime inseconds allowedduringwhichthescanningbeamremainsON withoutdecodinganybarcode IdleTimeout themaximumtime inseconds allowedduringwhichthescanningdeviceremainsidle withoutanyaction Note4 WhenthissettingisEnabled theUCC EAN128barcodecannotberead Note5 IATA2of5onlysupport13 or15 digit ...

Страница 253: ..._INUSING 0x00001002 BlueToothmoduleisusingbyotherapplication BT_ERR_DEVICE_ERROR 0x00001003 BlueToothInitialsettingfail BT_ERR_SETTING_FAIL 0x00001004 BlueToothsetupfail BT_ERR_REG_DEV_FAIL 0x00001005 Registercommunicationportfail BT_ERR_SPP_COM_FAIL 0x00001006 SPPservicecomopenfail BT_ERR_INSUFFICIENT 0x00001007 Thebufferforreceivcdataisinsufficient BT_ERR_PAIR_FAIL 0x00001008 Paittodevicefail BT...
