To set desired distance from the edge of paper to hole to be punched, simply
loosen up the lock and move entire table back and forth. This distance is shown on
the gauge.
replacement of discs: To remove simply pull the discs towards you and they will
come free. Fit the center of discs into slots and push discs backwards. Make sure
that depth gauge reading is less than 12, in order to give discs room to move for-
adjustable gauge shows different sizes of paper to be punched. Push down the lock
and move the gauge to desired position.
replacemant of male dies: Loosen up the two front screws and replace. Make sure
the handle is at its up position during the replacement.
adjust the hole distance in model hP-2:
80 mm
- loose the knob and turn the left pin anti - clockwi-
se, right pin clock wise to the end and screw the knob
70 mm
- loose the knob and turn the left pin clockwise,
right pin anti - clock wise to the end then screw the knob.
© arGO s.a.