Section 12: Fuel Tank Installation
Required Parts
• Fuselage assembly
• Fuel tank assembly
• Fuel tubing
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Foam: 1/4"
• Masking tape
When installing the fuel tank, make sure to
have a piece of foam at any point that
contacts any structure inside the fuselage.
Without the foam, vibrations will be
transmitted to the fuel tank, which could
cause the fuel to foam. In turn, you will not get
the optimum performance from your engine.
Step 1
Wrap the fuel tank in 1/4" foam as shown.
Step 2
Connect the two 8" pieces of fuel tubing to the fuel
tanks pickup and vent tubes.
Step 3
Install the fuel tank into the fuselage. Make
any necessary supports to keep the tank from
moving during flight.
: Make sure that any support braces
installed will not interfere with the installation
of the wing or linkages.
Step 4
Install the muffler. There should be plenty of
clearance between the muffler and firewall.