Permanent fi lter
Filter holder
Ensure that the opening on the lower
side of the fi lter holder sits exactly in
the coff ee machine opening; if this is
not the case, liquid may leak out.
Because of the shape of the fi lter holder, proper fi tti ng is possible only if the
alignment is correct.
Check if the On/Off switch is in the 0 (Off ) positi on.
Then, plug the coff ee machine into a properly installed grounded power socket.
Before the fi rst use, it is recommended that you start the initi al brewing process
using water only for 2-3 rounds.
5 Usage
Open the lid and fi ll up the water container with cold water. There is a scale on
the inner right side. Do not fi ll the container above the maximum mark.
Then, fi ll the ground coff ee beans in the permanent fi lter. Depending upon your
taste and the coff ee brand, use approx. one heaped tablespoon (approx. 15g). Re-
move the lid from the thermal cup and place the cup on the deposit space of the
coff ee machine. Close the lid of the coff ee machine once again and set the On/Off
switch to positi on 1 (On).