STEP 3 – Medium Size Components.
The last components to be placed are the dip sockets, resistor trimmer, led, jack, switches, etc:
In this step it is important to solder the remaining parts from small to big, the optimum order is:
8dip socket.
500K Resistor Trimmer.
Pin headers. (read
first )
Tips before soldering:
Use a wire cutters to separate the pin
headers into smaller segments to fit
into the PCB: 5x8 pins and 1x10pins.
Solder each segment like the picture
on the left
Make sure that the smaller segments of pin headers are straight and aligned with the Arduino MEGA
A good idea
is to solder only the 1
pin of each segment, plug the shield on top of the Arduino,
and once you are sure that all is straight and aligned, solder the rest of the pins.