NOTE: To check ignition timing, the seats and cen-
ter console must be removed.
1. Attach the Timing Light to the spark plug high ten-
sion lead; then remove the timing inspection plug
from the left-side crankcase cover.
2. Start the engine and using the RPM function on the
speedometer/tachometer, run at 1500 RPM; ignition
timing should be 10° BTDC.
3. Install the timing inspection plug.
If ignition timing cannot be verified, the rotor may be
damaged, the key may be sheared, the trigger coil bracket
may be bent or damaged, or the ECM may be faulty.
NOTE: This test procedure is for either the recepta-
cles or the connectors.
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position; then set
the meter selector to the DC Voltage position.
2. Connect the red tester lead to the positive connector;
then connect the black tester lead to the negative
3. The meter must show battery voltage.
NOTE: If the meter shows no battery voltage, trou-
bleshoot the fuse, receptacle, connector, or the main
wiring harness.
VOLTAGE (Brakelight)
The switch connectors are spade-type connectors on the
side of the master cylinder.
NOTE: The ignition switch must be in the ON posi-
1. Set the meter selector to the DC Voltage position.
2. Connect the red tester lead to the orange wire; then
connect the black tester lead to the red/blue wire.
3. The meter must show battery voltage.
NOTE: If the meter shows no battery voltage, trou-
bleshoot the EFI fuse, EFI relay, switch, or the main
wiring harness.
NOTE: If the meter shows battery voltage, the main
wiring harness is good; proceed to test the
switch/component and the connector.
RESISTANCE (Brakelight)
NOTE: The brake pedal must be depressed for this
1. Set the meter selector to the OHMS position.
2. Connect the red tester lead to one terminal; then con-
nect the black tester lead to the other terminal.
3. When the pedal is depressed, the meter must show
less than 1 ohm.
NOTE: If the meter shows more than 1 ohm of resis-
tance, replace the switch.
VOLTAGE (Headlight)
1. Connect the red meter lead to the red/black wire;
then connect the black meter lead to the black wire.
2. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. The
meter must show battery voltage.
NOTE: If the meter does not show battery voltage,
troubleshoot the LIGHTS fuse on the power distribu-
tion module, the ignition switch, or the main harness.
3. Connect the red meter lead to the yellow wire; then
select the high beam position on the headlight
switch. The meter must show battery voltage.
4. Connect the red meter lead to either of the two gray
wires; then select the low beam position on the head-
light switch. The meter must show battery voltage.
NOTE: The battery voltage will show lower in steps
3 and 4 due to electrical loading of the headlights.
RESISTANCE (Drive Select)
1. Remove the switch assembly from the dash; then dis-
connect the harness from the switch.
NOTE: The switch can be removed from the dash
using a thin, flat pry bar or suitable putty knife. It is
not necessary to remove the dash to remove the
Component data can be retrieved using the CATT II. Uti-
lize the Sensor Data screen.