- Opera
5. Fuel Level Indicator - Indicates
approximate amount of gasoline in
the gas tank.
NOTE: When the bottom seg-
ment flashes, approximately 3.5 L
(0.92 U.S. gal.) of gasoline remains
in the tank.
6. Low Oil Pressure - Will be displayed
during self-test at start-up. It will not
be displayed during normal operation
as oil pressure is not monitored on
these models.
7. Odometer/Trip Meter - Odometer reg-
isters the total distance the vehicle has
traveled. The trip meter is resetable
and can be used to measure trip or trip
legs. The odometer cannot be reset.
NOTE: To shift between the odom-
eter (ODO) or trip meter (TRIP),
press the Mode Button (3) to select
the distance mode; then press the
Set/Reset Button (4) to select the
desired display. Hold the Set/Reset
Button down to reset the trip meter.
8. Gear Position Indicator - Indicates
which gear position is selected.
• R (reverse)/N (neutral)/L (low range)/H
(high range)
NOTE: An E will be displayed if
there is an error caused by a no-
shift position signal.
9. High Beam Indicator - The High
Beam icon will appear only when the
headlights are on high beam.
10. Drive Select Indicator - Displays 4WD
when selected by the drive select switch.
The display is blank when in 2WD.
11. Speedometer - Indicates the approxi-
mate vehicle speed in miles per hour
(MPH) or kilometers per hour (km/h).
NOTE: To change mph/km/h dis-
play, press and release Mode But-
ton (3) until the icon (MPH/km/h)
appears; then press the Set Button
(4) to change the display.
Condition Warning Display (425) - Uses
odometer/trip meter display of the LCD
to warn of a system error condition
requiring attention.
A. Volt - The LCD will go blank
except the word VOLT will flash
on the LCD whenever a low volt-
age (< 9 DC volts) or a high volt-
age (> 16 DC volts) is detected.
When voltage returns to normal,
the gauge must be reset by turning
the ignition key to the OFF posi-
tion and then to the ON position.
B. EFI - The LCD will go blank
except a diagnostic trouble code
(DTC) will flash on the LCD and a
wrench icon will be displayed
whenever an electronic fuel injec-
tion malfunction is detected. After
30 seconds, the LCD will return to
normal; however, the DTC and
wrench icon will continue to be
displayed until the malfunction is
NOTE: Take the ATV to an autho-
rized Arctic Cat ATV dealer to have
the EFI error corrected and to have
the ECU reset as soon as possible.
Primer - Cold Start
The primer is located on the carburetor.
Depress and release the lever several
times prior to attempting to start a cold
Gas/Vent Hoses
Replace the gas hose every two years.
Damage from aging may not always be
On the 350, do not bend or obstruct the
routing of the carburetor vent hose. Make
certain that the vent hose is securely con-
nected to the carburetor and hose holder
and the opposite end is always open.