http://www.archos.com/manuals/A32_EN_v1.1.htm[2/24/2011 2:40:21 PM]
: lists the plug-ins that you have installed onto your device. The cinema plug-in is available for purchase
from the ARCHOS web site. This plug-in will allow your device to play MPEG2 formatted video files (including .vob
and .TS files) as well as AC3 audio files.
Android version
: Displays the current version of the firmware.
Firmware update
: Use this button to search for an online update via a WiFi network. If there is one available, it will
be installed automatically. See
Updating the Firmware
to learn more.
Board version:
displays the version number of your ARCHOS.
5.12. Repair and formatting
Touch screen Calibration
: If the touch-screen is not responding properly, use this item and follow the instructions on
the screen. If this does not work or if you cannot access the touch-screen settings, you can force the touch-screen
calibration when you restart the device (see:
System Recovery
Accelerometer calibration
: If the accelerometer is not responding properly (in other words, if the automatic screen
rotation does not function correctly), use this button and follow the instructions on the screen.
Reset Android:
Deletes the device settings and the installed applications. It does not touch your personal files
(video, music, photo).
Reset media storage
: Deletes all your media files (photos, music, video). It does not touch the applications.
Full reinitialization
: Deletes all the files on your device and resets the configuration to the original factory settings.
Startup wizard
: The startup wizard will start the next time you turn on your device. This allows you to reset the
basic settings of your ARCHOS (language, date, time, etc.).
Before launching any application that needs to make a connection to the Internet, make sure that you
are connected to a WiFi network ( icon on the top right of the screen). You can use your finger to
scroll the current web page horizontally or vertically. To open a link, simply tap on it. To enter a web
address, just scroll to the top of the current page and tap in the address field, enter the address and
tap on Go. To go back to the previous page that you browsed, tap on the Back icon. To go back
directly to your Android™ home screen, tap on the Home icon . Double-tap on the screen to zoom in and zoom
out or use the - and + zoom icon
that appears when you move the page. Depending on where you are
in the web browser, holding down on an item will give you access to more options. For example, by holding your
finger on an image, you can save the image file to your device. To fill in a text field, tap in the field, then use the
virtual keyboard to type the required information.