5) Power Off Timeout (Pwr Off t.) Submenu:
Use this option to adjust the length of time before the Jukebox turns itself off.
Use the right arrow to set a longer timeout (far right 10 minutes), use left arrow for a shorter
timeout. Each click left or right changes the Timeout by one minute. Set the timeout to zero (far
left) in order to disable the auto power off function.
6) Backlight On Timeout (B.light t.)Submenu:
Use this option to adjust the length of time the backlight remains on.
The backlight is helpful for reading the text on the screen at night or in dark areas. The backlight
turns off automatically to save battery power. Use the right arrow to set a longer backlight duration,
the left arrow for a shorter duration. To disable the backlighting feature (backlight always off), set it
all the way to the left. Each click of the right arrow will set the backlight on feature 5 more seconds.
7) Resume Mode Feature:
When on, this feature allows you to resume to the last place you where in the browser when you
restart your Jukebox FM. In the menu, click on Resume and then select either Resume Off or
Resume on.
Click “Off” when you have made your selection in order to return to the general settings menu.
8) Time Set Submenu:
Use this option to set the Jukebox FM time of day clock. Use the right arrow to select successive
time elements. To change an element, the hour for example, use the UP and DOWN arrow
buttons. Then go to the next element with the right arrow button.
Press the Set button to confirm and save the time of day.
9) Alarm Set Submenu:
Use this option to set the wake-up alarm for the Jukebox FM. At the preset time, the Jukebox will
turn itself on and play the first MP3 song in the initial folder.
Use the Mode Button to choose the alarm mode : daily, once or off.
Then, use the right arrow to select date fields and change the date, hours, minutes with the UP and
DOWN arrow buttons.
Press the Set button to confirm and save the alarm.
10) Alarm On Radio Feature:
If this setting is set to “On”, the Jukebox FM will turn itself on at the preset alarm time and play the
radio at the last station you were at.
In the menu choose “On” or “Off” as desired then click PLAY to activate that selection. Then click
“Off” when to return to the general settings menu.
11) Retro-Recording Feature:
Set the Retro-Recording setting to “On” if you want the Jukebox FM Recorder to store 30 seconds
of the FM broadcast before starting each recording.
Click “Off” when you have made your selection in order to return to the general settings menu.