Issue Date: 24/12/2019
For example:
If current time Tuesday 9am, then the user must set the event timer to be
activated after Tue 9am. (i.e. Tuesday 9:01am ~ 9:05am etc..)
If user sets the time at Tuesday 8:45am~8:55am then activated the event,
immediately the device will turn ON then OFF straight away as the software
thinks the time has gone past but still needs to execute the command.
The reason for device to turn ON and OFF immediately is to let the user
know that the time they’ve set have gone past which means the following
Tuesday will not execute since it is an onetime event only. (If the ON then
OFF device status is not shown then the user may think that the following
Tuesday the event will be executed but in real life it won’t).
If user sets the time at Monday 8:45am then the event will be executed the
following Monday.
If user sets the time at Tuesday 9:01am then the event will be executed on
the same day at 9:01am.
Repeat Event
this is an ongoing event and will not stop until user presses the
play button to deactivate the event.
The setting logic is exactly same as to scheduled event however the
difference is the user can select the days of the week to execute the events.