DEFRA Stove Installation and User Guide
Pure Petroleum coke or Bituminous house coal must not be burned
in this appliance. The use of these fuels will invalidate the appliance
Arada recommends the use of HETAS approved smokeless fuels which
have been deemed suitable for use on closed appliances, including multi
fuel stoves. If in doubt, contact The Solid Fuel Association, telephone:
0845 601 4406 / 01773 835400 or visit www.solidfuel.co.uk.
It is a legal requirement that the installation of all new or replacement,
wood or solid fuel heating appliances obtain building control approval from
your local authority. This can be done by using a qualified heating engineer,
affiliated to a government approved competent persons scheme such as
operated by HETAS. If in doubt, contact HETAS Limited, telephone: 01684
278170 or visit www.hetas.co.uk.
A fireguard conforming to BS 8423:2002 should be used in the presence
of children or elderly people. Do not use aerosol sprays or any other
flammable materials near the appliance when in use.
Arada Ltd will not be responsible for any consequential or incidental loss
or injury however caused.
Any manufacturer’s instructions must not be taken as overriding
statutory requirements.
Please Note: Classification of these appliances is for intermittent use.
Any further warnings in this document will be marked out
in a box such as this one. Ignoring the warnings could lead
to damage/injury to persons and/or property.
Health and Safety
Please consult health and safety guidelines for advice on handling heavy
and/or large items.
BK575 Rev02